what cichlids to add to 55?


New Member
Oct 28, 2003
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I just bought a 55 gallon tank and it's almost cycled! :D I have five african cichlids in my 29 gallon that will be moved to the new tank. They're excited I can tell :p They are three red zebras and two yellow tailed violet cichlids. My question is what other cichlids can I add to the fishies I already have? They aren't too aggressive, except for my male red zebra "orange fish" is his name. He can be fiesty at times. :X I want something colorful, and not so aggressive they will bust down the tank. :smb: Any ideas?

Also, what kind of odd ball fishies could I add? Like catfish, ottos, SAE, things like that?

Thanks! :*
I would add some yellow labs. They are nice and are supposed to get along with zebras. What is a yellow tailed voilet cichlid? Never heard of it before. I've seen a peacock with a violet body and yellow tail but I guess that's different.

If you want to add something other than cichlids get a synodontis catfish. Or maybe a bristlenose pleco might work. But I'm not sure if the zebras would pick on him. They do good in high p.h. though.

Electric Yellow Labido
Yellow tailed violet - Pseudotropheus Acei?

Ok, here is a short list that might be worth looking into for less aggressive fish

Labidochromis Caeruleus (AKA Yellow Lab)
Labidochromis Perlmutt
Labidochromis Hongi

(Only go with one Lab type because they will interbreed. Yellow Labs are great fish, but because of there popularity they are easy to find, but finding a nice specimen is much more difficult.)

Pseudotropheus Saulosi
Iodotropheus Sprengerae

Aulonocara ? (AKA peacocks) These fish get along with less aggressive mbuna, but would not do well with more aggressive ones. You should only go with one male in the tank, so getting just a single specimen of this fish is your best bet.

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