What Cichlid Do U Recomend Plz


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Aug 27, 2009
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Hey ppls I am looking forward o buyin a new fish for the first time in months but I don't know what kind to get I want one that's fairl placid and doesn't get too big no more than 6inches I currently have Bolivian rams African butterflys clown loaches and cribensis I like the blue acaras are they suitable for the kind of fish a currently have I'm running a 3ft x 2ft x 2ft looking for a reall colourful adition for my collection. Thank ppls
I had a male Blue acara kill my Ram. Not all are bullies but mine was. I would not mix them but I am sure other people have with no problems. I think a Keyhole or Rainbow would be great in that tank. Maybe a Smiling acara if you can find one.
Hi, Well i've seen that female mainly yellow labs can do really well even with community, they are really colourful, bright yellow and black stripe on top.
yellow labs are not suitable for the average community they are peacful for malawi cichlids but will still terrorise a community tank nice fish for that size tank would be rainbow cichlids or jade eyes
I find acaras can be nasty at times but then i have only kept a couple of them so i cant really comment.

Jade Eyes are beuatiful cichlids and are quite placid, my father had a beautiful male and he would even swim into my fathers hand for some affection when he was cleaning.

Maybe angels too, classic but they dont get huge length wise and since you have quite a tall tank they would look nice plus there are so many different breeds around now and patterms instead of the kois and marbles etc you could ge some really fancy ones.


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