What Catfish ?


Fish Crazy
Sep 24, 2006
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What catfish could i put in my tank that dont eat eggs * i have 4 gouramis, 1 ram, 1 firemouth, 2 kribs *

what could i put in with them?
In Your 4ft:

1x Jack Dempsey.
2x Firemouths.
3x Oscars.
2x Common Albino And Brown,
1x Bristlenose
1x bulldog

That seems more than full enough imo

Your 2 ft

5x Angels
1x Pleco
2x Keyholes.
3x Corys.
1x otto.

Other 2 Ft

2x Honey Gouramis.
2x Dwarf Gouramis.
1x Firemouth.
1x Ram.
1x Cory.

Either of the 2 Ft tanks will take a small Plec, Zebra, Tiger etc, check the thread re Plecs under 8"
What catfish could i put in my tank that dont eat eggs * i have 4 gouramis, 1 ram, 1 firemouth, 2 kribs *

what could i put in with them?
as far as i know all catfish and fish if they can find them will eat eggs
^Very much right. Although my Bristlenoses live with my Gouramies and haven't ever worried their spawning times or young. But all catfish with have a go if they think they can get away with it.
^Very much right. Although my Bristlenoses live with my Gouramies and haven't ever worried their spawning times or young. But all catfish with have a go if they think they can get away with it.

reply not only that but the other fish would probably get realy violent towards the catfish, i know what happends to pleckos that try to eat cichlid eggs....
:lol: Also true. My first male Gourami cornered four juvenile synos and kept them there without hesitation. I had to remove them to another tank, but not everyone has that option, so not worth the risk. My B.N male, though, is toughnut. Not even the Gouramies will mess with him. He's been known to attack them if they impose on his doorstep.
:lol: Also true. My first male Gourami cornered four juvenile synos and kept them there without hesitation. I had to remove them to another tank, but not everyone has that option, so not worth the risk. My B.N male, though, is toughnut. Not even the Gouramies will mess with him. He's been known to attack them if they impose on his doorstep.

hey do upside down cat fish have suckers? becuase my catfish spends most of his time on the glass it almost looks like hes sucking right on with his little umbreala shaped mouth
No syno has a true suckermouth like, say, a bristlenose does. But some species do have a differently shaped mouth depending on their enviroment and eating ahbits in the wild. The Clarias, for instance has a much smaller slightly protrusive mouth with no noticeable teeth whereas the Eupterus has a wider mouth with obvious lower teeth. The Clarias has a more vegetarian based diet whereas the Eupterus prefers a more meaty diet. All Synos vary somewhat species to species. It's why I love the synos so much, as it applies to their individual characters and mannerisms. :wub:
P.S:I've yet to find a single species of syno that likes it's own comapny. Even my Angelicus likes the company of other synos. Has to suffice with doras tho as he tends to be a little o.t.t for the others to put up with for long. :rolleyes:
No syno has a true suckermouth like, say, a bristlenose does. But some species do have a differently shaped mouth depending on their enviroment and eating ahbits in the wild. The Clarias, for instance has a much smaller slightly protrusive mouth with no noticeable teeth whereas the Eupterus has a wider mouth with obvious lower teeth. The Clarias has a more vegetarian based diet whereas the Eupterus prefers a more meaty diet. All Synos vary somewhat species to species. It's why I love the synos so much, as it applies to their individual characters and mannerisms. :wub:
P.S:I've yet to find a single species of syno that likes it's own comapny. Even my Angelicus likes the company of other synos. Has to suffice with doras tho as he tends to be a little o.t.t for the others to put up with for long. :rolleyes:

lol yeah there cute I found out that mine is realy a eupterus, he thinks hes a corry its so funny he chases after them but he cant cant keep up, but he keeps trying anywais lol its sooo funny i should film it one of these days and put it on youtube, the corry-snyo hehehehe :shifty:

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