What Catfish can go with African Cichlids?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I was wanting to get some bottom feeders to go with my Red Zebra and Peacock. Even though I'm gonna go put my peacock in my 37 gallon. Thanks for any help!
The best seem to be synodontis any of these except nirgiventis will work great. Some ideas though Petricola are the smallest, and only eupterus and nigrita are good by themselves the rest of the synos are schooling fish and ideally kept in groups above four though three is minimum, Plecos can work too but not allways I think usually there are fine but a bit of a risk there
I would recommend one of the three below, all from Lake Tanganyika

Synodontis cf Petricola Dwarf

Synodontis Petricola

Synodontis Multipunctatus
sorry to hijack folks....

i can't get hold of any syno's around here :/ .

I can get three Pim Pictus though, about 2-3 inches long each at the moment, for £15.00 total.

My smallest fish are the Yellow Labs (smallest of those at about an inch and a half)

Would the three Pim Pictus be ok in my tank or are my smaller fish still at risk of being eaten despite the small size of the Pictus?


thebaldranger said:
sorry to hijack folks....

i can't get hold of any syno's around here :/ .

I can get three Pim Pictus though, about 2-3 inches long each at the moment, for £15.00 total.

My smallest fish are the Yellow Labs (smallest of those at about an inch and a half)

Would the three Pim Pictus be ok in my tank or are my smaller fish still at risk of being eaten despite the small size of the Pictus?


the fish people @ grosvenor garden centre sell eupterus ;)
gixer said:
thebaldranger said:
sorry to hijack folks....

i can't get hold of any syno's around here :/ .

I can get three Pim Pictus though, about 2-3 inches long each at the moment, for £15.00 total.

My smallest fish are the Yellow Labs (smallest of those at about an inch and a half)

Would the three Pim Pictus be ok in my tank or are my smaller fish still at risk of being eaten despite the small size of the Pictus?


the fish people @ grosvenor garden centre sell eupterus ;)
Cheers gixer :thumbs: .

Me thinks I will pay them a visit this weekend :D.

EDIT. Would I still be ok with three Pim Pictus though if I decide against the synos???

My educated guess would be that it would work ok, mbuna tend to ignore catfish anyway, and pictus can handle themselves. I've never tried it though, nor seen it tried.
freddyk said:
My educated guess would be that it would work ok, mbuna tend to ignore catfish anyway, and pictus can handle themselves. I've never tried it though, nor seen it tried.
just nipped to The Fish People on my lunch hour and they have multipunctatus at £39.99 a piece (!!), a Punctatus (not Multi) for £24.99, Pim Pictus at £9.99 each, Eupterus at £6.99 each and Spotted and Striped Taking Catfish at £5.99 each.

They also have some gorgeous Gold Nugget plecs (small spots) at £20.00 and Sailfin Plecs for £3.95.

Decisions, decisions!!!!

Really think i am gonna go for the Pim Pictus :nod: . They're gorgeous and seem far more active than any of the others, which were all just sitting motionless on the substrate or against a rock.

I wanna bit of action in my tank!! :D

Will let you know how I get on freddy.

Hi Steve, glad to see you are still having fun stocking your tank !! - when I first started stocking I was very keen on Pim Pictus as I had had them years ago - very impressive fish - asking a few forum questions I was a bit put off as told my tank (Juwel 180) wouldn't be bid enough and they were not ideal for Mbuna tank - however I have seen several posts since on forums from people who keep them pretty successfully - I guess it is another try it and see. I have Syno Eupterus in with mine - they seem very happy - bought them for £2.95 each at Ripples (in Bridgemere Garden Centre) they have stacks at the moment. - also my Sailfin seems fine with the juveniles, hopefully they will grow up together. I also saw Gold Nugget for £20 recently - aren't they just gorgeous, but apparently they are much too shy for Mbuna - and also eat a pretty meaty diet - not algae eaters - which is difficult to cater for in the Mbuna tank.

Good luck with chosing - look forward to hearing how you get on


Hey Steve, just looked up the Fish People - didn't realise they were at Grosvenor - that's where I saw the Golden Nuggets day before yesterday - we've been oggling the same fish !!!

Rita :rolleyes:
well all i can tell you is what i have done in the past years to clean up the bottom is clown loches sinadonis cats and pleco'si have all these is my 300 gal. and my 75 gal. and they are great
sorry to hijack folks....

i can't get hold of any syno's around here  .

I can get three Pim Pictus though, about 2-3 inches long each at the moment, for £15.00 total.

My smallest fish are the Yellow Labs (smallest of those at about an inch and a half)

Would the three Pim Pictus be ok in my tank or are my smaller fish still at risk of being eaten despite the small size of the Pictus?



Guess what Steve............Oasis regularly have Syno Multipunctatus and Eupterus, both around £20-£25, give em a bell and see what they've got in.
thebaldranger said:
sorry to hijack folks....

i can't get hold of any syno's around here :/ .

I can get three Pim Pictus though, about 2-3 inches long each at the moment, for £15.00 total.

My smallest fish are the Yellow Labs (smallest of those at about an inch and a half)

Would the three Pim Pictus be ok in my tank or are my smaller fish still at risk of being eaten despite the small size of the Pictus?


hi sorry to hi-jack again :*) i'm quite susprised you cant get Synos there i'm in east Yorkshire and have no problems dont you have a small specialst tropical shop????

have a good look round i'm sure you'll be able to find one


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