What Cant Bettas Go With

Corys, are good with betta's.

Sorry i misread that, thought you said what can go with betta's, no gouramis,guppys,angels,neon tetra's, or tiger barbs.
They nip at the betta tail, or the betta eats them, the betta and guppys won't get on well either.
well i cant move them i only have 1 tropical tank
ok but why cant he go with neons

will he be ok with
if i get color glass fish
runnymose tetra
female guppies
sucking fish
and a few other things

in the aqurium he was with loads of male guppies
how big is your tank and do you have a male or female betta? i noticed you called your betta a 'she' in another post. if you only have one tropical tank, why not get a smaller tank (like 2-5 gallons) for just your betta (and maybe a froggy :) or apple snail)? he would probably be much happier.
no i cant afford iut all and i dont have any room
my tank is 2 foot by 1 foot and 1 foot high
no i cant afford iut all and i dont have any room
my tank is 2 foot by 1 foot and 1 foot high

but you have money to buy all those fish (which it doesn't sound like you have room for anyway) you want to put in with your betta? a 1 gallon kit at petsmart is ten dollars, $20 for a 2 gallon kit.
well he'll be ok

it's possible he'll be ok with the guppies, you have to keep an eye out to be sure none of the fishes tails are losing chunks out of them. if that happens, you really should seperate them or chances are you'll have some dead fish (in particular the guppies)
hmm...well thinking this through 'pre-betta' would have been a very good idea...and just because at the fish store he/she was in with certain fish doesn't necissarily mean it can/should be done that way again....wal*mart houses their bettas in small dishes....that doesn't mean because he lived in one of those for a week he can/should live in one for the rest of his fishy life haha....SO there is a really good pinned article here on tank mates....read it...it really helps!...and a one gallon bowl at walMart is $5 real simple and cheap...and PetsMart has mini 2gal tanks for something rediculously cheap as well and they are really easy and fun I think (its what I use haha) Good Luck!
you know if i went to my lfs and said my fish have died would they give me my money back
ok but why cant he go with neons

will he be ok with
if i get color glass fish
runnymose tetra
female guppies
sucking fish
and a few other things

in the aqurium he was with loads of male guppies

He was? Where is he now, or where are the guppies?
The guppies will bite his fins, and he may eat them. Its best for males to be on their own in 2.5 - 5g (depends), and females can be kept in groups of 4+ (not sure if they can go with other fish too).
If your male is in with other fish, it isnt mucht to get another tank 2.5g - 5g (i got a 2.42g tank, plant and gravel for £10.00, so all i need is a heater then i'll be set for when i get mine).

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