What can we put in with a betta?


Sep 29, 2004
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South Australia
OK, the LFS said guppies together with a betta might be ok, 60% chance the betta wont go for the fish in fact which contradicts practically everything I have read here.
So perhaps we might try another sort of small fish because I'd really like to let the betta loose out of his enclosure (he has a fair bit of space, about 2L but the whole tank would be nicer).
Can we put neons in there with him?
What about a BN pleco?
Any other suggestions?
Thanks in advance :)
i have a betta!! i feel your pain....i want him to have some buddies too!!

tetras are good! ive asked around and everyone always seems to say something about tetras!

im sure guppies wont be a problem tho! just pick whatever you like most!

hope all goes well!!! :D
You can get anything as long as

1) the betta won't pick on, eg guppies or female bettas
2) won't pick on the betta, eg barbs
3) won't take up the top level of the tank, eg mollies

Clear as mud? thought so, lol :D
So neons (tetras?) should be ok? ditto the BN pleco?
How come the bettas are so anti-guppies?
Something to do with the guppies brightly coloured tails. Maybe they get jealous!. when i first started out i had a betta in a 30 gallon tank and there were a few guppies in there as well. Overnight the betta killed them all. I now know betta !! :D My betta share a tank with golden apple snails and ghost shrimp these help keep the tank clean too! ;)
Dwarf pencilfish (skittish but not shy) and panda cories (playful and quirky).

The Betta will most likely think a Guppy is another Betta and so attack it, thats if its a male. I've also read Bettas shouldn't be kept with some Tetras as they can be nippy, but not sure about Neons. Take a good look at the Betta section of the forum. I was thinking of a small fish such as Tetras myself for my 13gal Betta tank but I added 3 corys to get started and I think I'll just buy more of them as they are really entertaining playing in thier sand!
it depends on the fish, some bettas will go attack guppies but some wont. if you're gonna risk guppies or tetras or anything like that (tetras can sometimes nip bettas' fins) you need to have a backup plan in case it doesnt work out.

i have found that cories work well with bettas, the betta chased them and flared at them for a couple of days but then he settled down.
I have one Betta and 2 zebra danio in a 10 gal and have had them together for over a year now, and have had no problems.
Cluttery was right, it depends on the betta. Mine tries to kill everything in the the thirty gallon, the female guppies, the mollies, he chased the cories. So I just stuck him in his own little container on the side of the tank, where he still tries to attack everything but the female betta.
aloaring said:
Something to do with the guppies brightly coloured tails. Maybe they get jealous!. when i first started out i had a betta in a 30 gallon tank and there were a few guppies in there as well. Overnight the betta killed them all. I now know betta !! :D My betta share a tank with golden apple snails and ghost shrimp these help keep the tank clean too! ;)
i went through this colorfule problem my beta took out 2 of my males, now i have no clue who but someone has gone after him his whole topfine is gone, only thing i can think is my bala shark (which is a wild one, races around the tank 24/7) or one of my angels which is much much smaller
You may also want to get a ADF or two. An African Dwarf Frog are an exellent addition to any betta tank. They are also fairly good janitors! :)

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