What Can I Rescue?


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
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Right I need to know what of my mates tank will live happily in my tank...

I have

pair 3 spot Gourami's ( matured full size)
pair golden Gourami's
6 golden barbs ( matured full size)
3 platties
3 Angels ( one full size 2 1" jr's)
2 cherry barbs
1 red tail shark ( 3")
1 silver shark ( 3")
6 scissor tails( 2")
4 neons
4 glo's
5 harliquins
3 golden danio's
2 small catfish
2 plec's ( 5")
1 clown loach ( 2" i know they are best in pairs but its mate died )

Mate has

Khuli loach
Banana Chilichids
polka dot Cat fish
red tailed shark
What size tank have you got?

And I'd suggest your friend puts a post up in Buy & Sell with his location, if its local to someone that has the room they might take the fish off him.
u have lot a fish what size tank? and wot species are thoses plecs?

i think ur own stocking need 2 be looked at before u consider more fish depending on those catfish and wot size u get i would imagine some of ur smaller fish will start disapearing as they get older/bigger things like neons etc also some of them fish u have could and probably will grow very big and reasonably aggresive, also u have a ratio thing goinfg on aswell :)

Yep as tenoh says, we need to know the size of your tank - Im assuming its pretty big to house the fish you already have?
it 310 L

and they are sailfin Plecs

I forgot to mention all his fish are full grown so yes the cat fish will eat my neons for sure just cant decide if they are worth it ???

Have tried to pusuade OH to let me just have his whole tank lol as he just wants rid
Wouldn't stick a second Red Tail in with the one you already have, they are known to be very territorial, especially with their own kind.

Polka Dot Catfish which I can only assume is Synodontis Angelicus can get to nearly 9" add that to your 2 Sailfin Plec's which can both easily obtain 15"+ that's three big bottom dwelling fish, not to mention Red Tails spend a lot of time on the bottom layer. AND your Clown, 'Small Catfish' and if you went through with this, the Khuli loach.

I really would reconsider this and just not bother.
Right I need to know what of my mates tank will live happily in my tank...

I have

pair 3 spot Gourami's ( matured full size)
pair golden Gourami's
6 golden barbs ( matured full size)
3 platties
3 Angels ( one full size 2 1" jr's)
2 cherry barbs
1 red tail shark ( 3")
1 silver shark ( 3")
6 scissor tails( 2")
4 neons
4 glo's
5 harliquins
3 golden danio's
2 small catfish
2 plec's ( 5")
1 clown loach ( 2" i know they are best in pairs but its mate died )

Mate has

Khuli loach
Banana Chilichids
polka dot Cat fish
red tailed shark

I would expect your angels to eat the neons, silver sharks grow large and like to be in groups, clown loaches grow large too.

I would reconsider your stocking if I were you
I missed that, aye - neon's are angels natural food. When your angels grow bigger your neon's will disappear.
Dont mind as they were dumpped in when Aunts tank got broken a couple weeks back the silver tail isnt 'normal' he has a damaged tail and is under illusion he is a scissor tail so am not too worried about him.

one Angel is full size and others half and so far not bee issue.

Glden barbs ate my shrimps though!!!!
Just read through your current stocking and all I could come up with is that it's time to decide what fish you want in that tank. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but 2 of this and 3 of that all different sizes and temperaments is not a good community tank. It is chaos. You have a good sized tank for 4 or 5 different shoals of very nice fish but the odd variety means that almost anything you add will be a conflict with something in there. Perhaps your friend could sell or give away his fish and you could start to have your stocking take a direction. All of your fish are nice fish to have but they just don't fit well with each other. Adding even more variety to that will not be a good move. Sorry but that's how I see it.

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