What Can I Put With My Betta?


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
I have a female betta in a 5Gallon tank all by herself. I had an ADF (African Drawf Frog - I know most of you know that but some people mistake it), but he is no longer with us. I don't want any more ADF, I want something that is easy to feed, as in a sinking pellet or general flake or something similar.

Any bottom feeders or snails or even small shrimp? I know 5G isn't a lot. I have a small filter and lights and heater. Thanks.
Personally, I'd get a trio of otos. Small, cute, and they'd take care of any algae. As for feeding, I believe they just eat algae wafers and other green veggies like zucchini.

You could also get an apple snail or two. Just make sure you clean any eggs off the waterline unless you want lots of little babies. ;)

Chances are, any shrimp would be eaten.
I personally thing that 3 otos is pushing it for stocking, not to mention a comfortable amount of space for the species. But, that's just my opinion.
I think one betta and an ADF is probably good so far as stocking and filtration goes. You might be able to manage a snail or some ghost shrimp as well (probably would get eaten, though), but aside from inverts., I wouldn't suggest much else.
I personally thing that 3 otos is pushing it for stocking, not to mention a comfortable amount of space for the species. But, that's just my opinion.
Yah, you're probably right. I've personally never kept any and for some reason I thought they were smaller than they are (just looked them up again). So thanks for the correction, RW, and VN... disregard that part of my first post. ;)
I remember seeing some nice albino snails at one place. Does anyone know anything about them?

Will my betta eat ghost shrimp?
I have had cory cats living with my bettas for about a year now. No problems at all. They occupy different zones and corys dont have a real flashy look that would provoke a betta.
the tank is too small for corys.

i'd go with snails if you don't want an ADF
they'll poop as much as an ADF though
Snails can be very messy and if you don't get the right kind, they will lay eggs like crazy. I know from experience. You can clean the glass all you want, but some eggs will eventually get past you and you could be overrun very quickly. I'd try the ghost shrimp. Some bettas do eat them, but others live quite well with them. As in most situations, it just depends on the temperment of the betta. Even if it did eat them, they are very inexpensive and won't hurt the betta to eat.
The other thing to watch out for with Bottom feeders that I don't see mentioned often enough to people asking this question is that depending on your betta, they can easily over-eat in a tank with sinking food... Even if you feed the betta while you feed the others, I know my male George will nibble the algea Wafer after its softened a little, and pick at anything he sees.
I'd try the ghost shrimp

I will be getting a 5 gallon tank soon too, I will have in it:

1 Betta
2 ADFs
and something else

that something else is what i am wondering about, are there any other shrimps that would go well with bettas? I am particularly fond of shrimps for some reason.
ghost shrimp are the usual choice i think captain...but if you like shrimp you may not want to see them getting munched on by your betta :p

I resisted the urge to add anything to my betta tank's..i think its best that way :)


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