What Can I Put In A 29G


Fish Crazy
Aug 1, 2011
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i love oddball fish like bichirs and knifefish im woundering if there is anything that would be happy in a 29 gallon
I don't know anything about bichirs, but in regards to knife fish, I was researching the same thing, and if I recall my research correctly, the smallest knife fish I could find still needed at least a 55 gallon aquarium. They all seem to get at least a 8 inches to a foot long, which is far too large for a 29 gallon aquarium. I'd steer clear from those.

Bichirs seem to be similar to eels, and eels too get very long and thus need a long tank. So I doubt you'll have any luck with those either, unfortunately.
I agree.
For knife fish and birchirs, 55gal is minimum. And that is for the smaller species only.
The bigger types will need a bigger tank
As for substitutes, since I'm pretty convinced you couldn't keep a happy bichir or knife fish in a 29 gallon:

Ghost/Glass Catfish look somewhat similar in shape to knife fish, they're shoaling fish that grow to be about 4 inches max

There are a few eelish loaches with the elongated bodies which may be able to fit in a 29 gallon, but I don't have any loach experience, so you may want to look to somebody else for info on that

Just some options to consider
Depending upon the dimensions, you could do something like...

1x African Butterfly
1x Golden Wonder Killifish
1x African Bushfish
6-8 Upside Down Catfish (purchase size will need to take into account the size of the above predatory fish)
Bonded pair of Lionhead Cichlids (putting a random male and female together in a 29g would be dangerous, they would need to be a matched pair)
Depending upon the dimensions, you could do something like...

1x African Butterfly
1x Golden Wonder Killifish
1x African Bushfish
6-8 Upside Down Catfish (purchase size will need to take into account the size of the above predatory fish)
Bonded pair of Lionhead Cichlids (putting a random male and female together in a 29g would be dangerous, they would need to be a matched pair)

I thought butterflies were vicious toward other top swimming fishes, and my golden wonder always chills pretty close to the surface
Like I said, it depends upon dimensions, but I have two ABF and three GWK sharing the surface of my Rio240.
As for substitutes, since I'm pretty convinced you couldn't keep a happy bichir or knife fish in a 29 gallon:

Ghost/Glass Catfish look somewhat similar in shape to knife fish, they're shoaling fish that grow to be about 4 inches max

There are a few eelish loaches with the elongated bodies which may be able to fit in a 29 gallon, but I don't have any loach experience, so you may want to look to somebody else for info on that

Just some options to consider
yea i have a loach tank full of dojos and kuhlis

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