Depending upon the dimensions, you could do something like...
1x African Butterfly
1x Golden Wonder Killifish
1x African Bushfish
6-8 Upside Down Catfish (purchase size will need to take into account the size of the above predatory fish)
Bonded pair of Lionhead Cichlids (putting a random male and female together in a 29g would be dangerous, they would need to be a matched pair)
yea i have a loach tank full of dojos and kuhlisAs for substitutes, since I'm pretty convinced you couldn't keep a happy bichir or knife fish in a 29 gallon:
Ghost/Glass Catfish look somewhat similar in shape to knife fish, they're shoaling fish that grow to be about 4 inches max
There are a few eelish loaches with the elongated bodies which may be able to fit in a 29 gallon, but I don't have any loach experience, so you may want to look to somebody else for info on that
Just some options to consider