what can i mix with????


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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hey guys

im a bit new to all this fish keepin malarky...hahaha

im just wondering about a couple of fish purchase possibilities

i got 2 betta's....1 male 1 female

can i add a congo tetra or a paradise fish or would they be meeting at dawn for a dual
I'll had danios and siamese algae eaters with a male betta. He didn't care about the daniosat all. He flared his gills at the algae eater but then he's be fine when the algae eater swam off. He never tried to attack anyother fish. However, I had had this fish for one night then my cat though it would be a good idea to have sushi! rrrr!!
I have got a male betta, three male zebra danios, oticinclus (algea eater), and plan to get a spotted cory (bottom feeder).

They seem to work because the betta keeps to himself and his bubble nest. The danios school together and patrol the top for food. Hungry little buggers. The otocinclus stays stuck to the glass keeping the water safe from algae.

The cory will be added for a perfect harmony, in two weeks.


just keep in mind that cory's are most happy in groups. a single cory will be very lonely and probably hide. If I recall correctly your tank is small and can't take a large group. I keep 3 albino cory's in a 5 gallon with my male betta at home. my guy at work is alone in a 3 gallon.

If you want to add cory's you may want to get rid of the danios so that you do not have common overstocking problems
:( Yikes, I had read that they were schoolers but have seen so many kep in solitary confinement that I though that maybe I had read wrong. I guess it's just another sad case of chain store fish keeper mis-information...*mutters*...thought I knew better than that. Thanks for the heads up. I'll have to research some more on a non-schooler bottom feeder.


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