what can i keep

is it cycled yet? If not i suggest starting with a few tetras or platties. If it is, then guppies, platties, mollies, cory's, tetra's, would all work nicely in a 20 gallon!
IMO you should never get only one cory. They will be shy and hide all the time. The bare minimum would be 2 but 3 is really ideal.
Adrinal said:
make an end plan before you get any random fish to cycle with. Better to not have to "borrow" a fish for cycling or get a fish you don't like.

Stocking options:

10 tetras of your choice

1 gurami of your choice or 1 discus (MUST have right water for this research discus) or 1 angle.

1 corry

2) This one would be for fun personality. a pair of shell dwellers. all sand tank with some shells... see the african section here for more info.

3) 3 upside down catfish, 5 khuli loaches, 1 gurami or discus or angle.

4) Firemouth and perhaps some faster loaches (ask about suitable cat fish)

All plecos are too big for such a small tank IMO.

There are many comunity fish to choose from just post a list and we can help. Try not to get TOO MANY fish, and not too fast.
IMO that's some pretty bad advice you just gave out there Adrinal. -_-

- Cories need to be kept in groups of 3+
- Not sure, but I think a 20g is too small for discus who require a higher tank
- "Gurami [sic] of your choice" - many gouramis would not be suitable for that size of tank
- Angels are not suitable for a tank that small, need much larger
- There are dwarf plecs aka otos which would be great in a 20g planted
However, that tank is ok if it is to breed angelfish and rear the fry...
- Angels are not suitable for a tank that small, need much larger

Still can't quote properly. :angry:

Your info is right, though. :D

Are you going for a species tank or a community. You could probably stock it with many male guppies if you were to make it a show tank. :D

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