What Can I Keep Under These?


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, anyone know what I can keep under 4 36 w power compacts (12k each) over a 30 gallon tank?

By what I mean corals, I assume I have the soft coral base covered but how about others?

so is small polyped stony hatder to look after than large polyped stoney? i always thought it was opposite way round
SPS as a family are the toughest to look after. There are exceptions to the rule (pocillipora, millepora) but most are very tough to look after, on par with nems and clams for difficulty. Even harder to look after in a nano cause they drain calc/alk/mg quickly and you have to dose a lot when they get bigger (tough to do in a nano).
okay :) thanks ive learnt a lot today which is always good. time to start planning my list of 5(ish) softies / lps that are photosythetic (does anyone no any nice ones) sorry to hi jack the topic i just think of things that i need to know. too much knowledge is better than not enough
Go the 150+actnics :nod: Your options are wider open that way, and even later on its alot better to have that extra lighting if ou wanna get other corals.

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