What Can I Have?

#1 Fish Fan

Fish Crazy
Dec 3, 2012
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Hi guys!

I wanted to get some more fish, I want small ones like guppies e.t.c.

My tank is 34l.

My current stock list:

2 male guppies
2 male platies
1 male dalmation mollie
1 male siamese fighter

I am planning on getting 1 more guppy as well.

Does anyone know fish that can live with my current stock ans grow to a reasonable size. An example would be a guppy but I only want to get 1 more of them as I want a wider range of fish!

Is that 34litres? If so i would say you already have too many fish in there, especially with the betta, having something else with long fins, i.e. a guppy would probably be a bad idea.
I have a 34l tank, and in my opinion, a mollie is just about too big for it. Strongly suggest you do not add further fish.
The siamese fighter NEVER bothers the guppies, even if I put a mirror to the glass it doesnt bother it! It loves the plants and spends all his time playing in it.

What if I re-home the mollie?
Yeah, some fighters are such docile little things, others are as feisty as anything - the luck of the draw. I've never risked it with guppies so have no experience. If you rehome the mollie, I reckon you could get another guppy.

Or you could go for some male endlers as well.
How many endlers could I have? One of the guppies is 3 months old and is not even half the size of my other one!
Your guppy fry should be much bigger than that, at three months. I would guess that your water changes aren't big enough or often enough. Livebearers, and many other fish, release a hormone into the water that stops the fish growing, once it reaches a certain concentration.

This is the cause of stunting, and the myth that 'fish only grow to the size of the tank'; they do, but only because their growth has been stopped by those hormones.
They have grown and a week after the birth I re-homed the mother. They are half the size of my adult guppy, maybe a bit more! They are really colourful so their colours have shown.

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