as long as you tank is cycled I would recomend a couple of cories for scavengers(maybe 3 or 4 of one kind as they like to be in groups). also I would recomend 2 ottos to eat algea. As far as neons go the tank must be established for about 4 monthes as they are very picky fish. harlequin rasboras would go goould in that community and are a small schooling fish that reach a max of about an inch. they will stay towards the middle and top of the tank and coexist fine with the danios. If you do get them get at least 5 or 6 becuase they will be much happier in groups.What can i have with my zebra danio. My tank is 29 gal tank. I would like livebearer and some small schooling fish like neons tetras. What do u guys recommend me to add? I have 8 zebra danio.