What Can I Have In 40 Litres


Jan 25, 2009
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i will be purchasing a 40 litre tank to go alongs side my 180ltr tank...

the 40 litre tank will be planted with bog wod and a bit of slate and will also be having a co2 system to have plants.. i wanted to have a few plants as im experimenting but wanted to know what i could keep in there. ideally i wanted to keep shrimp so that i can breed them..

how many could i safely use and what kind of aquascaping should i use
i also wanted to know how many dwarf frogs i could keep and shrimp. and what would be ideal to breed them.

Crystal red shrimp would be ideal get a highly quality pair and sell any fry that aren't up to high standards to your LFS before they breed and possibly throwback your genetic line. In a year your tank will be filled with lots of CRS which are valuable so pay for there own upkeep.
yeh thats what i was thinking.. its very hard to get shrimps from LFS where im around so im sure i can make a few bob.. lol

btw just realised the tank i am getting is a 28ltr.. how many could that safely house..
shrimp make very little ammonia so you could have a colony of approximately 20-30 adults + shrimplets. It is a bit small for a breeding project tank but should be ok if you regularly remove them for culling or sale.

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