What can I clean my tank with?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Peterlee County Durham
Hi there
Im changing my tank got rid of my fish to start a new but want to give my tank a really good clean
Can anyone suggest anything or should I just use hot water?
If you had any sort of illness in the water, then there are a combination of things you can use. I, personally, like REALLY hot salty water, while others use a water/vinegar combination, and I've even heard of people using bleach...

If it's just had healthy fish in it I don't see why a good swish of hot water isn't enough.
I agree with above. Recently wanted to clean out my hospital tank so I went to the lfs for advice. They said that the various tank disinfectants that used to be sold are now off the market and they now recommended hot water and plenty of elbow grease.
Hot water and strong salt solution (Cooking Salt, not Table Salt)
Have used this for over 30 years.
Hi domino1804 :)

All you really need to use is some salt, regular table salt will do, and warm water. You cannot use water hot enough to sterilize the tank and unless you have had some horrible sickness in there, it's all that is necessary.

If you have those crusty, white hard water marks on the glass, white vinegar and a plastic scrubber pad will get rid of them. Just be sure to rinse the tank well after using it. :D
What more to say after all of that was said?

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