what can i add


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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ok im trying to finish the stock on my tanks

first of the 55 gallon has
1x 6" male front
1x juvi. front
1x red zebra
1x kenyi
6x yellow labs
1x 5" pictus

i believe i am done adding to this tank till i get the 125gallon or bigger for the fronts and yellow labs or fronts and brichardi << amazing fish in blue i believe.

second of in my 29 gallon kribensis tank i have
5x kribensis (1M 4F)
3x Swartz Corys

and last but not least my 29 gallon community i have
2x blue rams (1M 1 unsexed)
5x julii corys
5x neon tetras
3x ottos

there are a decent amoutn of fish i would liek to add or consider at least not species not a great number in fish volume, please advice me if i should even move a few fish to different tanks swap out to make space for other species i personally think the tanks are seperated by compatibility pretty decent

here is what i have been looking into adding

neon tetras (would liek to add a few to the 5 numbered school)
ottos (considered placing 1 more int he community and 4 in the kribensis tank)
blue acara
angel fish
brichardi (would love some of these)
and maybe even a apisto not sure at all on apistos

also if there are any fish you would liek to recommend for me to look into please do so :)

I'd move the swartz cories to the 29 gallon and add the neons you want. A couple of apistos should then be fine with the kribs or you could try them in the community though I don't think the rams would appreciate that :p. I think the otos would also be fine.
The convicts, blue acaras and firemouths I don't know much about but I can tell you that the convicts would be much too aggressive for the latter 2 tanks but obviously also wouldn't work in the african tank. Firemouths and acaras aren't too aggressive but I don't know how they'd be with apistos. They should be ok with the kribs though. I have absolutely no clue about the brichardi but isn't it african? It would only work in your first tank and you said you were done with it until later... I also think they might get bullied or harassed in that tank. As for the angels - where exactly were you planning on putting those? None of your tanks would work with them I'm afraid - the first tank for obvious reasons, in the 2nd they'd probably get nipped and the third is out of the question because it's probably too low and the angels would snack on your neons. Not to mention you'd end up over-stocked.

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