what can i add???????

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Fish Crazy
Mar 26, 2004
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I just bought a 10 gal for my 2 bettas. i divided it using the craft stuff called plastic canvas.

anyway with just two bettas in such a big tank (until yesterday they each had their own 1 gal bowl) it looks kind of empty.

my question is:
is there any small active fish i can add in my new tank? and if there is how many? the tank is divided equally into 10" x 10" approx sections

all tests show the tanks to be cycled. i used gravel i had from my 55 gal tank to set up the new one. i always have extra plants and gravel in my big tank to "seed" any new tanks i bring home, so i don't have to wait weeks to cycle a fishless tank!!
You can add numerous fish to your beta fish. However, I would be cautious when introducing new fish to the males. The following are compatible with your new beta.
cory cats
neon tetras
cardinal tetras
white cloud mountain minnow
zebra danios
cherry barbs
i thought you couldn't put in angelfish? i had asked that very question, you will find that here :D
Zebra danios are also not very good fish to put in with bettas because they are apparently fin nippers and they are really busy fish, always moving and swerving around and I don't think bettas like that too much.
i only have a 10 gal the angels need a much bigger tank than that to live in. i'm thinking maybe platies or sword tails as they are fairly cheap and very colorful and active

any body else have any ideas or suggestions???

i would love to hear whatothers have in their tanks!! :cool:
i have a 10 gallon also, only one betta in it though and you're right, it does look kind of lonely, i have been thinking of getting some albino cory cats, they are verry active and quite cute!!

from what i have learned: don't get chinese algae eaters, they look cute, but from what i have been told, they latch onto fish, and are agressive. some have also said about getting an african dwarf frog or snails

can i put turtles in with my betta?
Most turtles will eat small fish, I'm not positive though. And I would stay away from swordtails as they are colorful as you said and have long tails, which is a prime target for a betta to nip at. Normally tetras are a no-no too, as they are notorious nippers. Some ppl also say no on the WCM. I dont have any personal experience with this as all of my boys are seperated by theirselves, but the general consensus is if you try anything keep a good eye on them.
Sorry, i'm not expert on Bettas but i can certainly tell you to not keep Turtles with bettas. 3 Reasons.

1. Bettas are slow fish. Turtles eat fish. Enough said.

2. Much too messy to keep in a tank with no filtration (as i imagine you have none with bettas). Even if you do:

3. Grow to over 1 foot.

Also, Chinese Algae Eaters are good fish.

Siamese Algae Eaters turn evil :devil:
I have CHINESE (not siamese) algae eaters, and I can safely say THEY are evil, probably mroe so than any siamese one. Hardly good fish.

I think in a divided 10 gallon, with only 5 gallons on each side... There are VERY few fish you could get. Most fish need more then 5 gallons, since most of the fish technically small enough need to be in schools. To make it less dull, I suggest adding lots of decore and plants... Not other fish.
EDIT: Uh-oh, yes, i got it wrong. The Chinese Algae Eaters are the evil ones, nevermind. Sorry about that.
My suggestion would be if you really want to add more fish is to take the divider out, put one betta back in his original bowl and then figure out what you can get as far as having the whole 10 gallon goes. That's what I would do anyyways.
You could add neons i guess as your tanks divided there is a lot of water really so the quality should be alright. khuli loaches would be cool in there and i know some epople keep those little african forgs in with bettas the ones that permenantly live in water
i wouldn't mind neons or something but i really don't like the frogs.

i had 3 once adn all three escaped (i still can't find an opening they could have got out of) and they were hopping all over my room it really freaked me out. i had to get my boyfriend to check everywhere for the last one, it was hiding in my bed. i still have no idea how it got there. i like the look of the little guys but i would never sleep right knowing they are just feet from my bed.
Based on my experience, I think you really have to look at the betta's personality to determine whether or not it would be compatible with other fish. I have found that when I keep bettas in a community tank, some members of the rasbora family, especially Bridget rasboras and Harlequin rasboras tend to do very nicely and are a very nice schooling fish, if you want activity. In my divided 15gallon, I have 6 harlequins, and 3 old-timer Bridget rasboras which are schooling well. The bettas I have with them are extremely mellow and I wouldn't even think about trying that with any of my CTs.

The small corydoras may also be acceptable and provide a nice contrast as they are a bottom dweller. But bear in mind, they also like to school.

The fence you have to straddle is making sure that the fish won't be picked on by the betta and the fish won't pick on your betta. That narrows it down quite a bit. Avoid fin nippers, fish that are slow-moving, or have long tails, etc.

Another possibility is to divide the tank again, and add another betta. This might make the tank less "empty" to you, and you have over 3 gallons per fish, which is very nice. I'm always about getting more bettas. :p Hope this helps a little.

I'm new on here and was just reading through this forum. I kept my male (Barry) with 6 platties, 3 swordtails, 4 mollies, 12 cardinal tetras and 3 clown loaches (Larry, Curley & Mo) with no trouble whatsoever. They soon learnt that he was not to be messed with as, when they approached he flared up and they just scuttled away. My tank is 4 feet and not overcrowded so he didn't feel threatened. Feeding time was funny because he'd be at the top with the others pushing (not biting) them out of the way for food. Sadly, he died a week ago. We miss him so much as he was a huge character, so we've ordered another one. Sorry to go off the subject slightly, can you tell I miss him?! Hope this helps. :-(

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