What Can Add To This Tank?


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2011
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west yorks
hi, can anyone give me some ideas for my tank? I have a 2ft long 60 ish litre tank. Its brackish water and is home to my 2 green spotted puffers, silent singer and tea leaf. Lol. What could live with them, i like the look of eels and reed fish. But not sure how well it'd go. Any suggestions?
Sorry but your tank is already overstocked! And apart from that Puffers really do do better in a in a species only tank![although they can live along side some other fish]

Ideally they should be in a tank around the 50-60 usg mark.

Lisa x
Sorry but your tank is already overstocked! And apart from that Puffers really do do better in a in a species only tank![although they can live along side some other fish]

Ideally they should be in a tank around the 50-60 usg mark.

Lisa x
Hi, i have read and been told that 10 uk gallons nevermind 15 is fine for 2 puffers. Fair enough if they dont play well with others will keep them on thier own but the measurement you said seems overkill. Thanks for replying thou. :)

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