What Breed Cichlids Are These?


New Member
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA.
Hey everyone,

Haven't visited the boards in awhile. Hoping someone or several of you could help me.

Got bored with tetras and set up my Malawi tank last April. The first 2 cichlids I bought are probably my best looking fish in the tank. The problem is...I have no idea what they are. As I got deeper into the hobby and fell in love with these fish, I read up on all the profiles of every fish I bought. I feel that I am somewhat knowledgeable on all the other fish except these particular fish. I've attached photos links. I've also been very lucky at photographing my fish, and as we all know, that can be very challenging.

Thanks in advance


Fish #1

Fish #2

my adware tool doesnt like your links, its easier if we can see the pics in the tread without having to click.
i would have to agree with johanni cichlid

ohh and blue acara your avater is really cool:)
Thanks everyone for the responses! I thought that the second fish was a Johannii, but all the breaks in his horizontal stripes made me think he was not. With most of the Johannii pics i've seen, the top stripe barely has any full breaks in it. But all the other features are the same. U guys are probably right. Thanks for your help.

I still need to know what fish #1 is. I've added some pics at different angles so maybe you guys can get a better view and help me out.



a cynotilapia afra of some sort, probably Cynotilapia afra (Likoma). Check out the link below for profiles of the different variants.

<a href="http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/results.php?genus=54" target="_blank">http://www.cichlid-forum.com/profiles/results.php?genus=54</a>

I still think it's an afra. :good:

I think your right. thanks again.
Afra gets my vote too :good:

Me too, The orangey marks remind me of a Afra (coube)

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