Beautiful images!

I've seen the Northern Lights with more colors including greens but that was WAY north in Canada around the Hudson Bay area. Still to get ANY colors as far south as NJ is amazing!
Sort of freaky cool the effect isn't it? The 'lights' are actually caused by our Earth's protection that keep us alive. The Earth's magnetic field draws the Sun's cosmic rays to the northern pole and the interaction causes the lights. Without this protection our mother Earth would likely be a sterile wasteland as the Sun's radiation would likely cook us all.
Sadly we tend to think that the Earth is ours to do with as we please but, in reality, this is not so. The Earth is a vibrant living entity. I'm not saying that it is an intelligent entity as we know intelligence but it is still a living organism. Take away life in the oceans and land life dies. LOL! We gripe about algae in our tanks but the algae in the oceans give us most of the oxygen in our air. Actually Algae supplies ~70% of the oxygen that we breathe.
Sorry but I'm kind of ranting a bit...

Forget the popular extinction level events such as a big asteroid or comet hitting the Earth that are put out. Sure, such an event could happen but the bigger danger is our own actions. We are actively killing what gives us life. Our Mother Earth gives us a place to live and thrive but we are breaking the lease and she could kick us off the planet with a minor sneeze.
Unless we start to grow a brain cell as a species, and start to relate to our planet, we will cause our own extinction without any need for a big asteroid impact.