I am now having a xylitol mint after eating, I'm hoping it will help. It is supposed to help heal your enamel. I wear a mouthguard at night as I grind my teeth due to my loose jaw from EDS. I also can wear high heels because the joints that hold my ankles together are loose and I am more at risk for a sprain or twist. My grace has gotten better as I age lol, and I do wear shorter blocky heels once in a while. (Don't judge me, I can't resist!
I also have mast cell activation syndrome which causes the little mast cells to fire (for me in my stomach and my sinuses). It causes me to get severe sinus headaches and vomiting episodes. I normally just get the head stuff now but when I was younger I would have weekly episodes. I dry heaved so much I tore the valve in my stomach.
On top of all that I have Gastroparesis due to the mast cells firing in my stomach.
It caused my stomach not to work properly so the food will sometimes sit in my stomach for a day or two before I have a vomiting episode.
Whenever we got a stomach bug I got it worse.