What Are These?


New Member
Sep 20, 2012
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Last week I bought some new plants from my LFS (I washed off the free snails / eggs) and I have now started to notice tiny singular white spots. These are different to the assassin snail eggs that are numerous around the tank.  Some of them are moving at a reasonable speed. I have a USB microscope so I had a look. In the eggs you can see something moving, black eyes and legs. Unfortunately I can't get a great pic which is a shame
 and the video is too big to upload easily. The black bit that is sticking out also moves when the critter moves inside the egg. I haven't seen anything on the water surface.

 Do I need to be concerned that they will cause a problem or will they be beneficial to the tank.
Cheers Simon
The critter in the second pic is a cyclops. So I guess they are cyclops eggs (can survive for months out of water)

They're not harmfull. Just a snack for your fish :)
First picture looks like seed shrimp, generally harmless in a tank and fish will have fun hunting them down to eat. In the second picture the critter on the right does look like a Cyclops while the one on the left looks more like a very young snail.
That's ok then, I just need to keep the numbers under control. Yeah the snails
. My assassins seem more interested in each other
  than munching their way through my small pest snail population.  

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