What Are These Zebra Danios


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2007
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so, this is NOT my photo, but someone is using it as a photo for selling zebra danios and other cyprinids (similar site than e-bay, just that it is in our country)

so what are these zebra danios? Dyed, color morph...?


so, this is NOT my photo, but someone is using it as a photo for selling zebra danios and other cyprinids (similar site than e-bay, just that it is in our country)

so what are these zebra danios? Dyed, color morph...?



Probably genetically modified. There are companies in the US who put DNA from jelly fish and other species into Danio embryos to cause the coluring mutation. Illegal in EU and some US states.
I hope they are just a naturally developed colour strain, cause I'd really like to have some, but I will not get any if they are dyed or injected... (principles) Must admit though it looks good.
Nope, those are glofish. I'm against them and have signed a few petitions to get them outlawed, but they are still legal here in South Carolina. I just think it's wrong to manipulate mother nature's grand design.
hm....you see I and the person selling the fish live in EU - so they are illegal?
Nope, those are glofish. I'm against them and have signed a few petitions to get them outlawed, but they are still legal here in South Carolina. I just think it's wrong to manipulate mother nature's grand design.

bear in mind that they were not developed for aquarium trade. these GMO fish were sort of a "proof of concept" in labs to see if genes could be spliced into higher organisms to yield an end product. has been done for years with bacteria and yeast (to produce product proteins). they tired with fish to see if a "higher" life form would in fact, be able to produce the product protein of the gene they included(in this case it is the bright coloring from the jellyfish gene..the coloration is, after all, just a protein which was encoded in DNA from the jellyfish gene and is easy to see out-rightly and the scientist dont have to sacrifice the animal to see if they are indeed producing that protein-they can easily see the protein, ie color).
so, once the proof of concept worked, and the gene had been seen to be able to be passed on thru sexual reproduction in the fish(every fish that has this coloration is not made so independently-the gene simply passed to the offspring), somebody in the FISH hobby caught notice and now they are in our shops. it is in NO way harmful to the fish (nor was the introduction of the gene). just gives them a different coloration.
why would scientists do this in the first place? basically, to see if it were possible to splice genes into organisms (mainly people) who LACK a gene for some important protein (such as insulin for diabetics-instead of taking daily injections due to little/no insulin production, just "give" these folks a gene to allow them to produce the insulin themselves, instead of having to take injections and all the side-effects that come along with the disease). there are many other implications to this concept. would also save a lot of animals too such as cows (where most "human" injectable insulin comes from ie, bovine insulin, and these animals are sacrificed for it).
bear in mind i dont fancy them glofish really, but the animal in question has not been tortured nor is it cruel as in say, tattooing or actually dying a fish. these guys MAKE that color as part of their (intorduced) genetic makeup (like humans "make" different eye colors or skin colors-all just protein differences, really).
so the science behind it is actually fascinating. and in the future these little fish are kind of like a flagship for some REALLY helpful therapies for humans/other animals (say a pet cat/dog with diabetes). and the animals werent actually "harmed" in the process-unlike some methods of testing for various medical things.
i dont think it is "wrong" to sell them or keep them. just my 2 cents on the subject.
I realize that the fish are not harmed in any way. I still don't think it's right to manipulate a vertebrate in this manner. I understand that they did it just because they could, and that they weren't bred for the aquarium trade, but what's to stop a random genetic mutation as a result of the added protein? Would it be a positive mutation, or a negative one with repercussions? You just never know. Ever see the movie I Am Legend? I know it's just a movie, but something like that could very well happen. Now I'm not saying that these would be zombie fish or anything, but it could still be something considered to be bad, and it would be our fault. Random mutations happen all the time with different strains of bacteria and viruses, and mankind helps these microbes to mutate by adding antibiotics into the situation. The medicines have changed since the discovery of penicillin and amoxicillin to more powerful drugs because the microbes have become resistant to them :sick: . We are influencing these changes.

Now, this is just my opinion, but I like fish the way they naturally evolved. I feel almost the same way about hybrid fish.

Call me a purist if you must.
I guess its up to the individual but I think they look terrible but thats just me :blink:

Regards onebto.
I live in South Carolina too and the petco in my town as well as walmart sell them under the name Glofish. They come in about 3 colors.

I agree with loraxchick and drobbyb. I work for a vet so there are a lot of debatable subjects I deal with. Animal testing for example. Awful? Yes! But after working for a vet for 3 years and seeing what science has done for the pets we own I know good can come out of something that is debatable such as this. Personally I don't see what a colored fish proves other than the fact that gene splicing, added proteins, etc etc is in fact very possible. To each their own. I've not researched the "Glofish" and know basically not much more than the tag reads at Petco.
i wouldn't go near them, it doesn't seem right to mess with nature. :no:

Drobyb, I don't want this to come accross the wrong way. (Because I don't mean it in a nasty way at all).
But it comes across you don't fully understand the theory of mutation, why it happens and that actually it happens naturally.

Think of mutation/evolution as being the same thing.
As we evolve, so do pathogens. (It's been likened to an arms race). Basically, if we ever can't keep up with the bacteria then we die. There are certain infections that once upon a time would've killed you, hence the use of anitbiotics (yes they were over used for some time, but that only sped up the resistance. and there were plenty of people who really needed them).

Well basically over time, NATURAL genetic mutations (ie. just mistake in the copying of dna), give rise to new characteristics that can make the pathogen resistant. Or alternatively it can pick up genes NATURALLY from other pathogens.
So then we start getting sick again, and need to use antibiotics. And the cycle starts again.

So I've only covered the comment about antibiotics, but my point is that you seem to think bacteria mutated because of antibiotics. They didn't.
They mutated anyways through various means, and eventually one of those that was resistant was the one that lived and reproduced. Giving a resistant population.

Also a couple of notes:
Often they now use them in pairs, so that if a bacteria happens to develop resistance to one then it will be killed by the other (meaning that the resistance gene for the first antibiotic doesn't get passed on)
In my university they are currently working on a bacteria that eats other bacteria. They are developing it to hopefully replace antibiotics (google: Bdellovibrio)

All I'm trying to say is, please don't make judgements on genetic engineering and gene modification without having all the facts.

Oh...and I am legend really isn't that likely to happen. There are pretty strict rules on what you can and can't do.
It's ok. Admittedly I'm no genetic expert.

I still don't agree with what has been done, but it is my opinion, and if I don't want to support this type of altering, I don't have to buy them.
I'm no genetic expert (not yet anyways) I just wanted to make the theory of genetic mutation a bit clearer.

Because although you disagree with it (and I'm not trying to comment on your opinion, afterall it's totally your choice). I just wanted to make sure you were disagreeing with it for the right reasons.
Sorry. :) It's just being a geneticist student I hear from quite a few people how genetically modifying or altering ANYTHING is wrong and bad. And they come up with some fntastic reasons why (normally they refer to zombie films like I am legend! Lol)

Anyways... it just makes me want to spread the word. That although I would never comment on someone disagreeing with it because they think animals etc should remain as they were intended.
The majority of people (and this isn't aimed at you), don't understand just how integral genetics (the understanding and manipulation of) is used to improve your life.

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