What Are These Weird Alien Things


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Went into the smaller Garage to get some fishy stuff. And Found these growing around the door frame and puffing out smoke or Spores. <br /><br /><a href="http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v125/psgill00/?action=view&amp;current=Video0004.flv" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v125/psgill00/th_Video0004.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /></a>
I tried to cut and paste what looked like the link, but it simply asked me to log in.
They look like some sort of fungus, especially since you sy about the spores.
yeah it's just a type of fungus. Try not to inhale the spores because they can cause problems to some people.
You need to dry the garage out to limit their growth.
yeah it's just a type of fungus. Try not to inhale the spores because they can cause problems to some people.
You need to dry the garage out to limit their growth.

Thats why I was caughing alot yesterday/Lastnight.
Will remove them then and leave the garage to dry for a few days.
I told dad to remove the Tiles they are growing on and to leave the doors open.

Should i clean all my Fish stuff and Tanks.
no you don't have to remove the tiles or anything major. They are related to mushrooms and just grow anywhere damp and dark, (it doesn't even have to be dark). You can pour bleach over them, it usually kills them and their spores.
*NB* don't get bleach on your skin or in your eyes. Try to wear gloves & safety glasses when using it.
no you don't have to remove the tiles or anything major. They are related to mushrooms and just grow anywhere damp and dark, (it doesn't even have to be dark). You can pour bleach over them, it usually kills them and their spores.
*NB* don't get bleach on your skin or in your eyes. Try to wear gloves & safety glasses when using it.

Ok Thanks.

I have had a bad chest all day @ work. If it doesn't clear up will go to the docs.
tell the doc you've been sniffing fungus & puff balls from your garage :)
tell the doc you've been sniffing fungus & puff balls from your garage :)

Will Do. I have the Video of them on the Phone so will show them to her.
make sure you don't show the doc the video footage of you running around half naked and singing to the purple elephants after you inhaled the fungus :)
wow man I'm trippin out

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