What Are These Hard White Balls/eggs In My Tank?


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Okay so I have a 90 litre tank with one Angelfish, and three panda cory's. I was just doing some maintenance when I noticed this empty circular shell floating on top - I thought nothing of it... assumed it was something that had fallen into the tank.
So I look at the bottom and there's another one, except it's quite hard - I squeeze it to check if it's just a weird bit of gravel and it pops, making all, well...not sure what to compare it to but it looked like brineshrimp sized white 'things' to float around. I've seen another one now I've decided to leave it...

They are white, around 4mm in size. What on earth is it?

EDIT:Just worked out what it was, and boy do I feel stupid! I bought these red hikari pellets for the angelfish, and it turns how he didn't like them. They seem to have lost their colour and turned into something that resembles an egg. Doh!

EDIT 2: Perhaps it isn't them...
sounds like cory eggs :good:

Oh my god really? I've just been inspecting them further and they definitely aren't the Hikari pellets as they 'explode' when I squeeze them but a shell remains. I just burst another now assuming it was a pellet and saw loads more of little 'brimeshrimp' type things float out...proving it wasn't just my imagination. I feel real bad...

EDIT: Hahaha, I just realised what they are! Around 6 months back I bought these plant fertilizer tablets that came in one big clump and I totally forgot about it, obviously it's broken up and spread about the tank. It only clicked when I saw a blue one!
I feel extremely stupid but thank god I realised now as I'd be even more embarrassed if I set up a tank, and then attempted to nurse these 'eggs' for the following days...weeks...months! Haha...I should go to sleep

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