RSM - the entire reason me having for almost every single betta that I have is because of the horrid condition they wound up in before they came to be with me. These poor things sit around on shelves just waiting for someone to take them home, with no instructions on how to care for them - just a plastic cup and water. It's incredibly pathetic, actually.
One of my bettas is blind, another one is furiously trying to grow a severed off tail back, others have battled back from such things as acute viral hemmoraghic septicemia and the list goes on.
I saved all these bettas because of the way they were - pathetic, sick, lonely, sad, in pain, bored, cramped, dying, etc. - I would have 1000 of them if I had room. I've passed on ones with eyes missing, severe swim bladder malfunctions so they either swam under the water and then just floated back up or just gave up and rested on their side, had gill diseases so bad they looked like they were flaring constantly, were missing entire fins, not just pieces of them, etc. etc. It breaks my heart.
I'm pretty sure that for every story I tell like this that there are a thousand little guys who have suffered and died a pretty horrible death.
Please don't add to the problem.