about the test kits.........liquid ones where you add drops of stuff to water youve collected from your tank in a test tube are supposed to be more accurate. i like aquarium pharmaceuticals brand ( dont know where your from im in the uk & most lfs have this brand) as in most of their tests theres only one or two different chemicals to add/mix and i find the colour result strips easier to read than some other brands ive used. i do also have a box of test strips - bits of paper you dip in your tank & read but i have heard theyre not as reliable as the bottles of test liquid so i only use my strips as a quick test if im worried about anything & then if anythings abnormal use the liquid tests to check. the liquids seem a bit expensive but they do last for a long time so actually dont work out too much in the end. i know there is also tests things you can buy that continuously monitor stuff like ammonia but ive never tried them so dont know much about them
theres very good info on cycling tanks in the 'pinned' section of this forum, well worth reading when your starting a tank. esp alien annas 'avoiding new tank syndrome - a definite must before you start. good luck
There are lots of pros and cons to fish/fishless cycling. Some people prefer cycling with fish because it means they can add more fish right away, where as others think that it is not fair to the fish used to cycle. I am not actually sure whether the fish used to cycle ('hardy' fish) feel the effects of the amonia or are just not inclined to die straight off.
IMO I think fishless would be best, but in the UK it is seemingly hard to get the amoina required to do it. However, as you are not in the UK I imagine that you'll get it ok and so this would be the way to go (IMO). This way, you know no fish are being potentially harmed and whilst your tank is cycling you can learn more and decide what fish you want when it's ready.
I personally use the luquid tests as described by millym. I found them quite expensive to start with but not at all now as I know how long they last. I have never tried other forms of testing to be honest.
I use the liquid tests mainly because the measurements are in smaller increments therefor they tend to be more accurate specially in the lower ranges.
As for cycling i have done this both ways with the last 2 being fishless and the only con of fishless cycling is that you have to stare at an empty tank for a couple of weeks or longer. There is no stress on fish because there are no fish. and when the cycle is over it is possible to add more fish right away as the bacteria colony is already established. The more ammonia used to spike the tank(within reason say 5 ppm) the larger the resulting bacteria colony so the more fish it will support.
Cycling with fish stresses the fish and the owner and often results in sick or dead fish or even (god forbid) the owner quits after watching fish after fish die.
Good luck
I have A liqued Master salt water test kit (( they also sale Master fresh water kit's))
mine is great i would get A master kit it will also save you some money in the long run. i was told that the tabs you break up in the test tube are more acc. but i have nothing but good things to say with my liqued one ... also it's hard to find master kit with the tabs almost all i have seen are in the liqued form.