what are the benifits of using air pumps


New Member
Mar 18, 2005
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Vancouver, BC
I was wondering if it would be worth while to get an air pump for my 55 gallon tank that is well planteded. And what would be the best type ofalgae eater that would be good to keep the alage from getting to much in a 55gallon tank. I have 1 chinise alage eater that is 7 inchs that doesn't eat to much alage I think
You don't really need an air pump if you have a filter that stirs up the water.

On the other hand, if you do get an airpump, then you can make the tank look really cool with the bubbles

Other people, please correct me if I'm wrong

As far as the algae is concerned, I prefer the good old sponge.
I have bristlenose plecs and amano shrimp to help control my algae. A grand job they do of it too :nod:
I didn't think an airpump was good for planted tank because it helps get rid of the carbon dioxide in the water that plants need.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

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