What Are My Options?


Sep 15, 2007
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Waukesha WI
First of all hi and thanks for reading this post. I'm planning on stocking my 30 gallon. I'm not new to this I have a 55 gal that I have set up for about 2 years. More tanks before it. In that tank are mbuna and I bought quite a few plants to put in there java fern, needles fern, anubis, some apongeans (sp) and a couple other species that slips my mind.

Any way my ph is around 8 and I wanted somewhere between 2-10 colorful fish. They don't have to be aggresive but I don't want them to barely move either. I have the means to overfilter but I wanted to stock it lightly so it would be more natural looking.
Have you ever thought about having rainbows? Once mature, they are quite beautiful. They can be acclimated to hard water via a drip acclimation. A 30 gallon tank is the minimum size for some of the larger bows. The blue-eyes stay small but you could fit in quite a bit more than their larger cousins.
Have you ever thought about having rainbows? Once mature, they are quite beautiful. They can be acclimated to hard water via a drip acclimation. A 30 gallon tank is the minimum size for some of the larger bows. The blue-eyes stay small but you could fit in quite a bit more than their larger cousins.

I do like the bosemens. If I got those I could also keep some of the less delicate shrimps with them since they wouldn't get chomped.
I went to two LFS today. The bosami were 7-9 dollars each so I think I'll skip them. Things that caught my attention: Pearl gouramis, Kribensis, and white cloud mountain minnows. Now about the white clouds the prices at the two stores were outragiously dissimilar. One place had 5 for $10 and the other place they were 3/$24. Same type also. :blink:
How about a big shell dweller community? You just need to start out with a few fish and the population will build gradually over time, you could even sell the babies to help with tank costs. They thrive in hard water and there are a lot of beautiful varieties you could get an awesome population going in a 30g :)
How about a big shell dweller community? You just need to start out with a few fish and the population will build gradually over time, you could even sell the babies to help with tank costs. They thrive in hard water and there are a lot of beautiful varieties you could get an awesome population going in a 30g :)

Are there any that a re diamorphic? It says not to mix shelldwellers and thats a huge area for 6 2" fish.
Not so far as I know I looked into a small group in a 10g and most people advised 1 male and 3 female in that small tank, how ever my research stopped after a while and I decided against a second tank. Maybe head over to the african section for someone with more info. Even if you do end up starting with just a few fish your population will boom eventually and the fry growing are fantastic :)

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