looks very similar to a female orange bee shrimp though poss a hybrid result of some weird pairing
maybe between a cbs and a tiger
or maybe a Indian Zebra Shrimp Neocaridina sp. or a hhybrid of that one
@ sailornight6
Thanks Shrimps are really interesting
@ Sarah & Shroob
I'm thinking along those lines too The reason that I'm not sure on the ID is the white patterns don't seem to match with pictures I've seen of the bee shrimps. Most bee shrimps have white near the eye area but mine has hers on the neck area. Maybe it's a very hybridized offspring or something...
@ Shrimper
It's definitely not a ninja since I have some of those as well. Her pattern does look a bit like ninjas though. The head and body shape is quite different. Here's a slightly better picture of the head. And a picture of ninja for comparison
I have a few like that. I'm not sure if they have bred in my tank or I got them with bees as the bees were washed out looking. If mine are hybrids then they must be bee x tiger.
Not completely sure on which species, I thought bee shrimp at first glance but the back looks slightly straighter than most bee shrimp pics I've seen, and the rostrum is not only very short, but from the close up doesn't it also appear to be serrated at all.
So I think it's a colour variation of the bumblebee shrimp, rather than bee shrimp.
That, or a hybrid.
Very nice and interesting shrimp no matter what it is .
@ ~T~
"Washed out" is very good description of my shrimp She's not going to interbreed with anyone in my tank anyway since she's the only one. Busy shrimp though, even more active than cherries.
@ three-fingers
Thanks. I originally thought she was a bumble bee too but still not quite the patterns. I bought her from Wildwoods nearly 2 months ago. I picked 3 shrimps with slightly more colour out of a mixture of cherries and some unknown cherry lookalike but greyish looking shrimps (probably wild cherries). Even the manager had no idea what they were. It turned out that one of them a completely different species Must say, this bee lookalike has coloured up a great deal. She didn't even have any white colour when I bought her. Just some "washed out" clear and dark stripes. The other two still look pretty bland. Have to wait and see what they turn out to be.