What Am I Supposed To Do With Cloudy Water?


New Member
Mar 17, 2009
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Alright. Well, I got a new bowl for my betta 2 or 3 weeks ago and the first time i put it all together, everything was great. My betta was very happy and loving the new environment. However, when I changed his water for the first time, the next day I woke up with cloudy water. Me, being ignorant on such a thing, automatically changed it again a day after since it didn't go away. It was fine for a little bit, but after doing some reading I expected it to come back. Of course, yesterday I woke up with the cloudy water and I read that it's best to wait it out a few days. . .? But it's getting foggier and foggier and my little guy so far seems fine, but I can only automatically feel like that this isn't a good thing. I know it's a bacteria bloom, but is there any way to fix this? Or is it true that it will go away after 4 or 5 days? And is it just going to get worse before it gets better? Because right now, it's just getting worse. But my betta seems fine, especially since he's made a few solid bubble nests in this time period.

Any advice would be great
If the water is going milky cloudy then it is a bacterial bloom caused by uneaten food in the tank/ bowl. The easiest thing to do is reduce feeding, remove any uneaten food, and do daily 50% water changes until it clears up. Then do 50% water changes every couple of days from then on.
The problem is unlikely to clear up by itself unless you have a filter on the tank.

When you do a water change you don't have to remove the fish. Simply syphon, drain or scoop out half the water, and then replace it with some clean dechlorinated water with a similar temperature to the tank.

If you want to clean the gravel then take the fish out with half the water and keep it in a separate container. Stir the gravel up and pour the dirty water out. Refill the tank with the old water that has the fish in, and then top up the container with clean dechlorinated water.
^^ good advice.

How often are you changing the water in this 'bowl'?
the water's cleared up completely now. and he's been 100% happy the entire time.

When you say "bowl" how big is it? Is it filtered etc? This will determine how often you need to do water changes.
bump. the water has 'cleared up'.... there may be more issues Klover.

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