What Algae?


Apr 28, 2007
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Dereham, Norfolk, England
On ebay, you can buy loads of different types of algaes for the marine tank. I would like to buy some 2 add interest to my tank but im not sure what algae to buy.
I have:
2 nassurius snails
2 cerith snails
2 turbo snails
2 reg leg hermits
1 black algae striped hermit
blue legged (at your own risk, mine dont even know what a snail is anyway so they dont steal shells)
Scratch the turbos off your list and instead get astraea (well astraea i think are a type of turbos but just ask for astraea)
Make sure you get nassarius last after your fish. These arent algae eaters.
I think macroalgaes add so much life to Marine tanks, I dont understand why we don't see them in display tanks too often. How many watts of lighting do you have? That might affect your choices. I think red algaes such as red grape algae and red gracilaria add a lot to a tank. Calcerous algaes such as mermaids fan and shaving brush species are pretty interesting too.
I think macroalgaes add so much life to Marine tanks, I dont understand why we don't see them in display tanks too often. How many watts of lighting do you have? That might affect your choices. I think red algaes such as red grape algae and red gracilaria add a lot to a tank. Calcerous algaes such as mermaids fan and shaving brush species are pretty interesting too.

cause with many of them, in the right condition, grows really fasts and either smothers the corals or blocks the lights. I grow chaeto and calimedia in my display though, i wont be going anywhere near caulpera.....
I think macroalgaes add so much life to Marine tanks, I dont understand why we don't see them in display tanks too often. How many watts of lighting do you have? That might affect your choices. I think red algaes such as red grape algae and red gracilaria add a lot to a tank. Calcerous algaes such as mermaids fan and shaving brush species are pretty interesting too.

yea ditto the above , i love having some other form of life in my tanks. also after a shaving brush at the moment :( .

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