What Algae Is This - Or Is It Even Algae ?


~ I learn something new ~ ~~~~ every day ~~~~
Mar 31, 2005
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
(In what I call my non-planted tank, as though it has Amazon swords, it has no CO2 and only gets root tabs once in a while).

My question is about this:


This is I have something that's been growing on my very mature piece of wood (3 years old) over the past few months - I guess it "appeared" as a tuft approx 4 months ago. I left it, as I couldn't see anything else elsewhere and thought I'd see what becomes of it. It's now a lovely green little lump of something :dunno: but I'd love to know what it is - or where it even came from as I haven't added anything to that tank for a very long time.

To put it in perspective (sorry about the particles in the water - fish just fed)


Well any ideas ?

The tufts of other soft brown algae on the wood doesn't seem to be a problem so I just leave it alone.

and tank shot for the heck of it ! :)

I've got some of that on my wood too!
But do you nurture it like I do ? lol
I think it's really pretty and have no plans (yet) to get rid of it. The other bits of brown small tufty algae on the wood doesn't really grow or spread either and doesn't seem to influence the swords too I don't bother with it much.

That whole green tuft only has one tiny little "foot" (pinhead size) so would be incredibly easy to remove.

Anyway, just wondered.

Thanks George - I had some more rainbows, but they pegged it after a water change (gone wrong).
Those in the tank (including the other hiding behind the wood) are well over 3 years old.
I'm going to rehome the few livebearers I have left in that tank, and add some Red & Boesmani's again :)
:lol: no I probably dont nurture it like you! I haven't touched it though. Mines a lot smaller and has been around for probably 3 months.
I like my little tuft a lot actually :lol: can you post of pic of yours ?
Do you also only have the one, or has it started spreading ? It seems to be very slow growing.....

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