what age to seperate guppys?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2003
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north carolina
I currently have 7 week old baby gups, 6 week old baby gups, and some I have no idea when they were born (close to 4 weeks i would guess though)
I need to seperate the boys from the girls so I dont have anymore babies anytime soon.
Whats a good age to seperate them? I have heard/read that they can have babies at around 2 months, so its close now i figure.
Also Whats the best way to tell sex on a baby? I can see a small gravid spot on alot of them. Is this foolproof?
I would say that you werent fooled i would say that the gavid spots would be females, Males usually colour up alot quicker than females.

If you study your babies close enough you would be able to tell a male by now by looking for the tube between the anal fins (Gonopodium) which is their sexual organ. Where as females have 3 anal fins.

Hope this help ya out abit.

What do you do with all your babies, do you keep them or give them away?
I'm too blind to see the little guys willys :) Im lucky if I can see a black spot.
We keep them for now. we are trying to talk neighbors & friends to set up tanks so they can have some. Otherwise I probably will give them to someone who has a fish that has a taste for guppies. After sorting out the best ones of course.
I have a male 10 gal, a female 10 gal, and a 10 gal baby tank, plus the 29 gal which is pretty well stocked now, so I can always find a place to put 1 or 3 of them :)


Some of the 6 week olds are starting to get red. I think they will be beautiful guys in a few months.
I would say that they are male coz males are usually more colourful. Hey glad you enjoy breeding fish.

I have had 4 batches of fry.

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