What A Surprise :)


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
London. England.
Hi all

I have about a dozen cory eggs, I noticed them 2 days ago stuck to side of tank, I had a read about on here and this is what I have done so far.

I've scrapped them off the tank and put them in a netted breeding box they are in the same tank they were found in. I have put an airstone directly underneath the box, the airstone made the netting bubble up underneath so I've put a small handful of gravel in the box to keep it flat.

Oohhh :D I'm so happy and want to do all I can to see these eggs hatch. To be honest I can't believe I have them, there must be something in the air, I mean water!!! :lol:

Any help on doing the right thing would be great and what do I do from now on please?
remove them from the glass carefully and place them in either another tank to hatch in, or a tub floated in the top of the tank.

Alternatively, you can remove the parents if you have another tank.

If you are planning on keeping them, get yourself some liquifry for egg layers, as i would assume you dont have any microwrom culture on the go as this is unexpected spawn. ( get some MW culture as well and get it on the go LOL) !
Thanks for that Sp00ky!

Will they be okay in the netted breeding box I have put them in?

Do I need the airstone underneath them?

I'm gonna get some liquidfry for egg layers tomorrow, could you tell me more about the microworm culture?

remove them from the glass carefully and place them in either another tank to hatch in, or a tub floated in the top of the tank.

Alternatively, you can remove the parents if you have another tank.

If you are planning on keeping them, get yourself some liquifry for egg layers, as i would assume you dont have any microwrom culture on the go as this is unexpected spawn. ( get some MW culture as well and get it on the go LOL) !
Thanks for that Sp00ky!

Will they be okay in the netted breeding box I have put them in?

Do I need the airstone underneath them?

I'm gonna get some liquidfry for egg layers tomorrow, could you tell me more about the microworm culture?


they maybe ok in a breeding net, however i have no experience of this so cant offer any guarantees. However, inchworm states in the other post that she knows of one other member on here who has succesfully raised them.

As for an airstone, again i dont do this, but other do to try and keep the eggs from "going off". I geel that a mortaility rate is to be expected and until my fish house is up and running i wont be experimenting with adding methlylene blue or pima fix till then.

Microworm is a culture that you buy and raise in a tub. My personal way of doing this is to place a slice of soggy (but not soden) bread in the bottom of a plastic tub. Spread the culture over the bread and add a little yeast on the top. Make sure there are loads of air holes in the lid and place somewhere warm but not too bright. In a few days you will see the little worms crawling up the side of the tub and you can use a small painting brush to remove them and add them to the tank.

There are a few people that sell it on here, or you can get it from ebay :)

hope that helps.
Hi Fifi :)

What kind of corys do you have? If they are bronze or albino C. aeneus or C. paleatus (the most popular corys) they will probably spawn again for you within the next week or two if conditions are right. If you would like to raise them, now would be a good time to set them up in a small (10 gallon) breeding tank. That way you can remove the parent group and leave the eggs. This will reduce the risk of damage while moving the eggs and you can get the fry safely off to an excellent start.

One of our members, Lynz781, has raised some corys in a breeding net, but it's difficult. Perhaps if you send her a PM, with a link to this thread, she will offer some helpful advice.

Microworms are tiny creatures that make excellent first foods for cory fry. Since they are live, they do not foul the water as quickly as liquid fry food. If you post the country you live in in your profile, I will try to find a good source of them for you. To get them reproducing, you should start them as soon as possible, but one culture can be kept alive for as long as you need them by restarting it every few weeks. They are a lot less trouble than it often sounds like.

I raise my microworms on cooked oatmeal with a little yeast, but have also heard of them living in cooked cornmeal, mashed potatoes and bread. I don't put holes in the lid because I once had fruit flies get into the culture. Instead, I use a higher container and open it and wave the lid over it at least twice a day to give them fresh air.

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