What A Pig?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2006
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I recently started feeding my Cory Catfish some small round pellets as I was advised that these would sink quicker and that way they can get some food as well....however my blindcave fish have realised that these little balls are food and seem to be eating them before they even reach the bottom? And.....if they happen to miss them on the way down and one of the catfish start to eat it, they come swimming up and steal it away swallowing them whole?? Keep in mind this is after they have been fed their flakes earlier in the evening as I feed my catfish once the light is out and before I go to bed?? I noticed a little while after feeding my catfish that my blind cave fish's belly seemed to be sticking out in places in the shape of these little balls, but this morning it does not seem as bad? Does anyone have any advice? Am I not feeding them enough that they are desperate for food? Or are they just pigs? -_- They were nicknamed the three blind mice but with their latest tactics I might change this to the three little pigs :)
I would try feeding them at the same time and at different parts of the tank.
To ensure my corys get their share I put my arm in the tank and release the pellets or flakes a few inches from the bottom.Even blind cavefish cant be everywhere at once!
I have tried that too.....I drop food on one side to distract them and then drop the pellets on the other side for the catfish, this worked for a bit but now they have got clever and they split up that way they are on both sides.....brainy little buggers! Maybe I should try teach them tricks ;)
I have resorted to putting my hands in and dropping the pellets inside the tree ornament where the Cory's like to hide that seems to be working....for now ;) However I did see one of the blindcave fish sniffing around in there last night while the Cory's were out playing....maybe I should change their names to "Pinky and the Brain" :D

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