What A Lucky Little Dp


Fish Crazy
Nov 15, 2008
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I bought 2 Dp's last weekend. Got them so they were basically alone in the tank, I come home to find one had swam to close to the inlet of the filter and got stuck. poor little guy suffered and died. Anyway, the other was MIA..
So now, about a week later, i was cleaning my filter and i see this little thing swimming around inside it.
The missing DP, he was a little skinny, but in great health. I got him out and added him back to the tank.
I have since added some foam around the filter to prevent this from happening again.
Thats my story and I am sticking to it
Aww poor little guys :( What filter have you got in there? We got DP's too :good:
it was an aquaclear 20. I always thought the water went through a moving motor, I never would have imagined that he would have lived through it. I was so happy to see him. He looks so skinny. Like i said, he was very small and must have went in head first or tail first.
Ah that's a shame you lost 1, bright side you have 1 left with an added bonus of a story to tell :)

Hope he stays OK.
Wow that's one very lucky little DP! Glad you found him and that he's not too worse off for his adventure! :blink:
Aww..... bless the little guy :) He/she must be pretty tiny to have gone through the intake guard. Glad that he/she's doing well.
i am keeping a close eye on him. He had a nice fat little stomach tonight.
But he is too busy hunting to eat when i try to feed him. I am sure he will come around.
On the flip side, i had actually gone and bought 2 more just before i found him so, now i have 3 total. They seem to school together. oddly enough. it is planted with plenty of hiding if needed.
they leave my shrimp alone as well...
They are normally a lot more sociable when very young and when in new environment. The aggression comes when territory, mating and food issues arise as they grow more comfortable with their new home. Just keep a good eye on them :)

Happy Birthday btw. Have a good day :bday: :bday:

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