What A Lucky Little Crs


Fish Crazy
Nov 15, 2008
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So my wife and i bought a house, moving day has finally come.
We move the entire house and finally come back for my little friends.
I take all of them out of the tank and put them in a bucket.
within the last 2 weeks i bought 4 CRS.
Well, in the last 4 days, I have not been able to find any of them.
So while i was taking the others out, I could not find any of my CRS's.
So I removed the fish and the plants and the everything else.
I left all the gravel and some water.
Get to the new house and i am cleaning the gravel. Low and behold, i found one of them. buried in the gravel...
I think the other 3 have become lunch or dinner for my betta. :crazy:

So now the tank is all settled, he is back in the tank but i cant find him again. :shout:
why does he do this?
So my wife and i bought a house, moving day has finally come.
We move the entire house and finally come back for my little friends.
I take all of them out of the tank and put them in a bucket.
i recently bought 4 CRS.
Well, in recent days I have only been able one of them.
Well while taking them all out I could not find any of them.
So removed the fish and the plants and the everything else.
I left all the gravel and some water.
Get to the new house and i am cleaning the gravel. Low and behold, i found one of them.
I think the other 3 have become lunch or dinner for my betta. :crazy:

So now the tank is all settled, he is back in the tank but i cant find him again. :shout:
why does he do this?

have you got an internal? mine lurk in there lol
He obviously feels threatened and feels he needs to hide for safety.
He obviously feels threatened and feels he needs to hide for safety.

I feel bad that he feels threatened.
I can say that none of the fish pay attention to him, unless he swims across the tank, then the betta thinks he is food.
But lucky (the CRS) was the biggest of the group and is now the only one left that i could locate.
I really want to get a new tank and get him into a better situation.
I did find him last night, he was hiding just under one of my new riccia rocks. he was twirling a piece of gravel looking for food. Cute little guy.
My betta is usually so good, but lately is terrorizing my platys and the CRS in the tank.
ignores every other fish, shrimp.

@ truckasauras123,
what do you mean by internal?

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