What A Hideous Site.....


Fish Fanatic
Jun 2, 2007
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Hi there,
I've just noticed this site on youtube and I think its totally inhumane and cruel to those pleco's :(
This is no way for pleco's to live :(

PLEASE NOTE: The footage only shows a seriously overstocked tank! - Nothing like live food or anything like that! :/


Lets see how many pleco's are in their.....hmmmm, I've lost count :(
yeah thats oretty bad, needs some education methinks :(
that is discusting, 2 big royals (think thats what they are) and all the others, must need like a 1000 gal for them all to be happy :angry:
jesus how big are thsoe royals :\ how big do they get?? i have one whos about 5 inches but more tall than length!
wow! at first i didnt even realise that the monsters scaring what i thought was a biggish plec, was a much bigger one!!

it also kind of looks like theres a storm in there :S
Although by western standards it's not acceptable, this is fairly standard practise in Asian countries, especially in places like Singapore. It's just a different methodology of keeping plecs. Whatever your feelings on the matter they appear to be, as is generally the case with well stocked Asian tanks, well looked after and in top condition. I see no problem with it.
poor things... the tank looksed like it was in a tornaado...lol
Toto, we are most definitely not in Kansas anymore.... what is all that crap floating around in that tank..... :shout:
If u read it, it was feeding time, so bits flying round were food, and there ALL out, and ALL crazy because its feeding time. tbh its not THAT bad, yes over stocked but ive seen far worse!!
If u read it, it was feeding time, so bits flying round were food, and there ALL out, and ALL crazy because its feeding time. tbh its not THAT bad, yes over stocked but ive seen far worse!!

discus fish - I havn't personally come accross anything like this!! I know they were all out, but TBH I think they'd all be out anyway as they have nowhere to move :unsure:
IMO that is one heavily stocked tank and considering how big some of those plecos are/will get, I think the fish will be under a lot of stress. :/
Darkstar - I think it shouldn't matter what country you live in, whether it be UK, America, singapore,etc etc, its the fish's best interests to be in suitable living quarters.
Most pleco's are caught from the wild, the least we can do is give them as much room as we can. Thats what I feel. :blink:
Even though this may be common practise in some countries it doesn't make it right :unsure:
People in different countries, have different ways of life, but just because they do something that someone else in a different country does differently, it doesn't mean that as they do it, it must be ok. - You get where I'm coming from now I imagine :S
Anyway, Everyone has views, and I'm just stating mine :good:
Take care all! ;)
Although by western standards it's not acceptable, this is fairly standard practise in Asian countries, especially in places like Singapore. It's just a different methodology of keeping plecs. Whatever your feelings on the matter they appear to be, as is generally the case with well stocked Asian tanks, well looked after and in top condition. I see no problem with it.

I agree to a certain degree. I wouldn't personally keep that many fish in that sized tank but you can't say any of those fish look unhealthy. Yes, they looked cramped but you could look at the way we in the western world keep our plecs to and say objectively that the conditions we keep them in are unfair when you consider that the majority of plecs in the wild come from a river system that is 6,400km in length and 11km wide at it's widest point. Does anyone in the UK have a set up that allows a wild caught pleco to explore new territories, find new feeding grounds, take advantage of the extra food made available by the wet season?

As the original vid poster says in his comments -

"water changes every week, controlled feeding with veg a must every week, regular filter maintainence (we have 2+2 running).. unfortunately here in sg we all live in closets, thus do our fish.

if you live in sg and have a tank to donate, pls contact me asap :) "
Darkstar - I think it shouldn't matter what country you live in, whether it be UK, America, singapore,etc etc, its the fish's best interests to be in suitable living quarters.
Most pleco's are caught from the wild, the least we can do is give them as much room as we can. Thats what I feel.
Even though this may be common practise in some countries it doesn't make it right
People in different countries, have different ways of life, but just because they do something that someone else in a different country does differently, it doesn't mean that as they do it, it must be ok. - You get where I'm coming from now

Of course the country you live in doesn't dictate the way you keep fish, however people from different cultures have different methods of doing things, including different ways of keeping fish. Just because you're methodology or ideas differ to someone elses does not make your beliefs any more right than the next person. Unless you can see definite signs of distress or unhealthy fish then I personally would prefer to reserve judgement and maybe learn something new about the hobby than go around thinking my way is the only way and at the same time must be the only right way also.

And strangely after having said that, I notice the last part of your statement is almost exactly the same as my response:

People in different countries, have different ways of life just because they do something that someone else in a different country does differently, it doesn't mean that as they do it, it must be ok

which makes me all the more amazed that you possibly might think your way is only way.
Darkstar - I added that last comment, as I was just clarifying certain things that one country does, may not be right in another - That was exactly what I intended to put. Each person who sees the clip will judge by what they think is right, but I'm just saying what I think is wrong in this case.
. I'm not saying that its "my way", I'm saying IMO its what the fishes deserve. I've also stated that this is only my opinion,( and everyone has a right to an opinion, even if people do not agree in what you've said).
I think we will just have to disagree on this one then, I didn't mean to come across the way you've thought.... :unsure:

p.s: As we havn't seen each pleco in turn, we can't be certain their healthy.
If they were to be in good health I was wondering how long they've actually been living like that? Maybe the affects arn't showing on the fish yet.

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