I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
This all happened yesterday...Sorrell's heard all about it already! lol!
I found out that one of my female platies is pregnant, so I decided to go my favorite lfs to pick up a breeding net for the fry. I get there, and as soon as I walk into the store Gina, the owner, comes running up to me and yells, "I just can't do it anymore!" and then runs away. I'm thinking, what the heck, so I follow her to a tank with cichlids and two 5" common plecos. Turned out that she had been trying to catch these two plecs for about an hour and they kept getting away from her...she was moving them to a different tank, because the cichlids were starting to pick on them.
So, anyways, I asked if I could help at all, and she handed me the net...said that if I could catch them for her she would let me take them home...for FREE! So I caught them both!
Then, I decided to look around a bit and saw that they had some new bronze cory cats in. They were so cute, and since I had just lost one of my three cory cats from a heat spike in my 25 gallon tank, I decided to pick up two of the little guys. Well, a little baby C. leucomelas (my FAVORITE type of cory
) somehow got into the bag with the other she gave me him for free too!!!!
I also ended up coming home with four Yucatan Mollies...they are so beautiful...velvety black with orange-gold spots!
So, I ended up getting nine fish, three of them for free! How cool is that?!?!

I found out that one of my female platies is pregnant, so I decided to go my favorite lfs to pick up a breeding net for the fry. I get there, and as soon as I walk into the store Gina, the owner, comes running up to me and yells, "I just can't do it anymore!" and then runs away. I'm thinking, what the heck, so I follow her to a tank with cichlids and two 5" common plecos. Turned out that she had been trying to catch these two plecs for about an hour and they kept getting away from her...she was moving them to a different tank, because the cichlids were starting to pick on them.

Then, I decided to look around a bit and saw that they had some new bronze cory cats in. They were so cute, and since I had just lost one of my three cory cats from a heat spike in my 25 gallon tank, I decided to pick up two of the little guys. Well, a little baby C. leucomelas (my FAVORITE type of cory

I also ended up coming home with four Yucatan Mollies...they are so beautiful...velvety black with orange-gold spots!

So, I ended up getting nine fish, three of them for free! How cool is that?!?!