What A Difference A Day Makes


Planted Section
Oct 30, 2006
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK
I decided today, due to the continual emergence of snails and some hair algae (stubble) on the plants to have Sunday as a fasting day.

To my delight tonight the water is clearer than it has ever been, the plants are looking greener, the lights look brighter (they haven't been munching on the lights don't worry) in that the tank looks brighter, the glass is cleaner to the point of looking like a mirror inside (which the fish keep banging into. lol)

The plecs have had an awesome housekeeping day mcunching on bogwood, cleaning the riccia cave roof, and scouring the glass

The mollys have spent the day on the leaves munching on the algae 'stubble' and also picking up a little bit off the glass.

The Danios have been chasing the fry and looking for other morsals as well (These fry are leftovers I couldn't catch when I got rid of the rest)

the Betta has been scouring the tank in search of snails eggs. and has been seen munching so I assume he found a secret stash.

And the glolights have been sitting in the middle waiting to munch on whatever hidden surprises appear from the frantic leaf and sand movement (which has been plentiful)

I am possibly guilty of overfeeding my fish I think and therefore will cut down, but I think I will keep Sundays as fasting day to let the fish continue their good work

Have to recommend this idea, really works. (I suppose with the right combination of different food source devourers)
" a secret stash" oh man! I wish my fish could do any of those things! I might try this too, great idea!
Maybe I'm missing something here but don't you guys feed your fish every other day?? Wouldn't the day they don't get fed count as a fasting day??
Maybe I'm missing something here but don't you guys feed your fish every other day?? Wouldn't the day they don't get fed count as a fasting day??

I used to feed them 1 pinch of flake 2 times a day. Also a bit of bloodworm once a week, and some courgette twice a week.

I may move to 2 fasting days but at the moment is just 1

Bear in mind that I have the following in a 29G probably 26G as it isn't full to the top, and then maybe 22G after displacement from wood plants and equipment.

4 x pitbull plec (2") = 8 inches
4 x Mollys (2") = 8 inches
1 x Betta (1.5") = 1.5 inches
5 x Danios (1.5") = 7.5 inches
5 x Glolights (1") = 5 inches

Total inches = 30 inches

Therefore I am well overstocked and can only do this due to the high planting which will be using some of the ammonia alonside my filter doing its job. They eat everything quickly when I drop flakes in, the bloodworm disappears within minutes and the courgette is ravaged in 1 night. The fasting day for me is just to get them to eat the natural food build up like algae. (And I like them coming to see me every time I come to the tank hoping for food)
Maybe I'm missing something here but don't you guys feed your fish every other day?? Wouldn't the day they don't get fed count as a fasting day??

I used to feed them 1 pinch of flake 2 times a day. Also a bit of bloodworm once a week, and some courgette twice a week.

I may move to 2 fasting days but at the moment is just 1

Bear in mind that I have the following in a 29G probably 26G as it isn't full to the top, and then maybe 22G after displacement from wood plants and equipment.

4 x pitbull plec (2") = 8 inches
4 x Mollys (2") = 8 inches
1 x Betta (1.5") = 1.5 inches
5 x Danios (1.5") = 7.5 inches
5 x Glolights (1") = 5 inches

Total inches = 30 inches

Therefore I am well overstocked and can only do this due to the high planting which will be using some of the ammonia alonside my filter doing its job. They eat everything quickly when I drop flakes in, the bloodworm disappears within minutes and the courgette is ravaged in 1 night. The fasting day for me is just to get them to eat the natural food build up like algae. (And I like them coming to see me every time I come to the tank hoping for food)

Snap! I'm glad I'm not the only one with a slightly overstocked tank! :blush:

i find a fasting day once a week (sometimes twice) is so helpful with algae clearing and makes for less muck to siphon of the sand!

P.s supercoley, My wifes maiden name is Coley so your name always makes me snicker.

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