Addicted and in Therapy
I'm very excited!! I went to the pet store today to get a new ram (didn't end up getting one though...) and of course I always browse to see what's new, blah blah. Anyways, guess what I found! Bear with me if this doesn't excite you... hehe. ) I saw a 3 gallon glass tank with a cover and 4 glass dividers for $30. There was only one, and I grabbed it! Since I'm broke, as usual, my mom got it for me as an early birthday present. I mean heck, that seems like quite the deal to me. I've always wanted a divided tank - usually at a Petco I go to there is a 2.5 with 4 dividers for either $40/45, and I'd always thought that was way too expensive. I haven't seen 3 gallon glass tanks around here either. This should be lovely, I have already figured out a place for it, and it'll be home to the orangies when I get them. (Wow wuv I really am ahead of things here... !!) I think I can fit a heater into it too, so that's lovely. And who knows, maybe I'll stick one of the little azoo filters in there if I order one. OoOOooOOO! And now I perhaps could have an imbellis! *goes crazy with ideas* This should be great. Yippee.
Now I just have to resist the urge to buy fish to fill it....
Now I just have to resist the urge to buy fish to fill it....