What A Bargain, But What Should I Do With It?


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Apr 10, 2012
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Well today i wrote on my facebook wall, "anyone selling a cheap fish tank, let me know asap... Within 10 minutes a freind said my dad is selling one and gave me his number, i phoned and all i knew is i was going to look at a tank that was around 2 1/2 ft...

Well to my suprise when i got there... it was one of these.."Juwel Rio 125 Aquarium"


I loved it straight away and said right il have it, how much...

My jaw dropped when he said only £50... as u can guess i bit his hand of and took it.
Added with it was, a new air pump, a new filter, a new heater, and 4 spare lights, stress zyme, water dechlorinator and few more bits and bobs.

He only had the tank running for a month with some terapins in and then gave up on the hobby.

I went straight home and set it up, now i dont know what to do with it, dont know what fish to get, got 29 gallons of room now lol.....what ya think i should do?

I have mature media so cycling is not a problem.
Do a big micro community with tons of tiny fish! Like badis, pygmy gourami, pico danios, chilli rasbora, hara catfish, ottos, shrimps :D Would look awesome :)
I was maybe thinking about something i could breed, summat rare ish lol.. any ideas?
Done shrimps b4, what about maybe some discus?
Discus will outgrow a 29 gallon. They need at least 55 and like to be in groups of 4+. I thinks wills idea is the best :good:
I got one of them, in my house's my channa juvi's....did house the adults but they have since been sold....nice tank, mine now is playing up with the lights,neither bulbs are gone it just goes on and off when it wants....great tank mind, enjoy
I think what you should do, is let it sit there whilst you figure out what you REALLY want to do with it. I really regret just filling my large tank up with stuff bought at a whim, I can think of so many other things I'd like to do with it but it's too much of a pain to get rid of all the fish now :(
I think what you should do, is let it sit there whilst you figure out what you REALLY want to do with it. I really regret just filling my large tank up with stuff bought at a whim, I can think of so many other things I'd like to do with it but it's too much of a pain to get rid of all the fish now :(

thats something that doesn't get mentioned enough. you really have to give yourself some time to decide... because once its done, its done.
You could probably do up a nice Shell dweller tank. They are really small for African cichlids (1-2inches depending on sex), they are pretty active and fun to watch and could make a great display with 29Gs. Also, as you mentioned you may be interested in breeding, I believe (please correct me if I am wrong here) that most shell dwellers are decently easy to breed and set up colonies for. I'd just get 1 male, 3-5 female and let them do their thing. hahahaha. Simply my thoughts...
celestial pearl danios are rare and fairly easy to breed,they look stunning and stay small,you could have a big schoal in 125,only problem is they are hard to find (wildwoods or trimar) and expensive but when they start breeding you wont regret the initial cost,i vote cpds cherry shrimp and pygmy or panda corys with maybe a schoal of harliquins or something similar to swim about in higher water. :good: or if you really want to get lots of fry stick with cpds and shrimp,some floating plants, java moss and java fern for fry hideouts (i covered half a coconut with java moss and put clump inside, fry hide in there until they are big enough to come out)in no time you will have loads of shrimp and cpds, (cpds sell very quickly and for good prices if you get over run) good luck
How about this:
- 5 Dwarf Cichlids, 1 male + the rest female, species of your choice.
- Medium sized group of shoaling fish, 11+, Harlequins would look nice, or perhaps something a bit rarer like Black Neon Tetras.
- 2 Adult Bristlenose, 1 male and 1 female.
- Malaysian Trumpet snails.

A nice community where almost all the inhabitants can and most likely will breed in aquarium conditions.

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