Whaeather Loaches


Moved On
Oct 15, 2005
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do wheather loaches jump out of the tanks if it doesent have a lid on
Yes they can do. They react to air pressure and the lower it is the more they are active and can indeed jump out. You will need a tight fitting lid.
i thought it would be ok as mine has been in a tank with no lid for a month
As black angel has said, they will jump if there is a fluctuation in the external atmosphere. A lid is highly recommended... just because your loach hasn't jumped yet in this last month it doesn't mean to say it won't ever jump.
It's not so much to do with it being sunny, but what the atmospheric pressure is like. Although if there is sun shining directly on the tank it may overheat, which is another reason why fish will sometimes jump - to get away from water which is too warm or has too little oxygen in it.
Weather loaches are great escape artists. They can find ways to go up tubes and stuff if I were you I'd get a nice good lid for the tank. :p

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