We've Been Busy!


New Member
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
Fort Worth, Tx USA
Setting up the rock structure here. This is a FOWLR system, and my husband and i designed the PVC pipe structure we used to build the rocks like this. We used about 160-180 lbs of live rock in the tank, with an additional 20-30 in the fuge.



'Scuse the mess! :) This is our front room.

Filled with water, after about 6 hours of cycling through the refugeum. The tank has been doing well all week and we've finalized our "replacement" stock list for all the fish we lost when the original tank broke.



Yay! Last try for SW! If something catastrophic happens to this - well I'm converting it to another cichlid tank. Or maybe I'll get some nice newts.
Looks Stunning, really like the way you have scaped the Arch.
Thanks for the compliments everyone!

Well, after continuous water testing and monitoring the tank, she's ready! We are moving our Naso, Scopas and Stars & Stripes puffer from the backup 55 gallon to their replacement home today! They are on a slow drip right now. Hopefully by tonight they'll be settled in and I can snap a few pictures of our survivors in their new tank. Hope they like the arch too, lol. We made some cool hidden caves for them to escape to at the back of the tank as well.
Thanks for the compliments everyone!

Well, after continuous water testing and monitoring the tank, she's ready! We are moving our Naso, Scopas and Stars & Stripes puffer from the backup 55 gallon to their replacement home today! They are on a slow drip right now. Hopefully by tonight they'll be settled in and I can snap a few pictures of our survivors in their new tank. Hope they like the arch too, lol. We made some cool hidden caves for them to escape to at the back of the tank as well.
Can't wait to see. :)
wow its really nice and that arch is spectacular im sure the fish will love it also srry if uv siad this on that other post u had but how is that angel doing? what are the demensions of the tank?
Unfortunately, the Majestic Angel did not make it. He was the first of our fish to die, followed by our Threadfin Butterfly and then the Humu Trigger. They just couldn't handle the stress of the move and the small parameters of the holding tank.

The tank dimensions are 48" X 24" X 30.

On an unrelated note, we are curious to know if we can get the old 150 gallon refurbished. It needs fresh silicon and a new center brace. On the corner of the tank it say "Built by C.L." with an anchor logo. Anyone have a clue as to who that manufacturer is? Remember I am in the US.
i have no idea. the anchor seems formiler but i dont think iv heard that name before. but u could try taking it to a glass shop and see what they can do as at my dads glass shop he has done stuff ike that for me before

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