Were Is It Best To Keep Filter Wool In Filter


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2008
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HI i have a fluval 205 external filter and i am wondering were it will be best placed in filter i have 3 baskets in filter top 2 are biomax bottom is corbon i want the wool for putting in my QT when it has the right amout of bact also how long will this take?
It might take as long as 4 weeks for the polywool to have a big bacterial population, but if you will have only a few fish in Q then it might work in less time, you would just have to measure for ammonia and nitrite in the Q tank. Poly could go at the beginning or end of the water pass-through sequence (so perhaps the topmost one after you take the pumphead off, can't see why that wouldn't work.)

If the idea is to build some bacteria in your filter media, why not put it between the 2 biomedia baskets. If nothing else, it would transfer some bacteria through contact with what you already have on your biomedia.

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