Went On Holiday For 2 Weeks

Sorry to hear this

What about your Nem ?

Any idea what caused the deaths
:( Sorry man, thats no fun. Was somebody watching over the tank?
Thanks for the replys guys.

Yes my parents both looked after that tank, done a water change for me (I had already done the salt etc before I left) and they also fed the fish everyday for me.

My mum and dad love the tank so they was just as gutted as me.

I haven't a clue what happened but im thinking 1 of 2 things...

1) The annenome I bought I took out before I went as it was looking poor and that may have nuked the tank
2) I have just done a water test (before my water change im doing shortly) and everything is bang on except the Nitrate which is fairly high.

Any ideas on what I should do to help the Nitrate? I know the water change will help but any ideas?

I still have £100 left over from holiday so ill be off later to get a new set of clowns, not sure on what type yet though :blink:
There are more important things than being fed, like not being over fed. If I leave my tank for a week I am always sure to fatten every one up with heavy and regular feedings of good food, then leave them to trim down, salt water reef environments tend to have regular food, but there is alot of competition so the fish have mostly evolved to deal without food for a short while, Mandarins can live for up to a month at times without food.
1) The annenome I bought I took out before I went as it was looking poor and that may have nuked the tank

Did you upgarde you lighting & was the Nem feeding

If no then it is a fair bet that your Nem Nuked your tank
Upgraded lighting to more powerful bulbs, not sure if nem was feeding or not to be honest

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