well water has high ph

Ann from Vermont

New Member
Sep 15, 2004
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I'm confused. Before starting up my aquarium ( 125 gallons ) I took a sample of my well water to the aquarium store. They said it was 7.6. I set up the aquarium and a few days later added some fish. A few days later I tested the water with my own kit, and ph was 7.2. I tested it a few days later and again it was 7.2. Store said it was probably lower because I had a couple pieces of drift wood. I went on vacation for a couple of weeks. when I retested my water upon returning, ph was 8. Now store is suggesting that I plan on permanently using distilled water for my water changes. I have a lot of plants in the aquarium and plan on setting up a community tank. Any advice? Thanks
Ann from Vermont
I have the same predicament. I have well water which tests about 7.6 out of the tap, but after a few hours in the tank it is the highest reading on the test which is 8.4. Who knows if it's actually higher than that. So far I've only lost my bn pleco - my other fish haven't had a problem with it.
Coral can raise your pH levels and some sands contain crushed coral. Roots and drift wood can help to lower the pH. I recently asked about high pH and was assured that a pH of 8 was okay.

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