Well They Werent Just Dancing...


Fish Crazy
Mar 25, 2006
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Recently, about two days ago my platy gave birth to some CUTE babies! And last night while I was staring at the tank watching for babies, out of the rocks came some eyelashes with eyes.... Only thing I can think of, is my zebra danios laid eggs over the weekend while I was gone for Easter. One was snatched up right away by one of the platies, I saw another this morning. Im not really sure if they will live, I wasnt really hoping or thinking I would get zebra danio fry, so no precautions have been taken. Maybe a couple will live, who knows. It says to feed infusoria (think thats what its called) but I have none of that, and im feeding the platy fry finely crushed flakes, could they live off of that, if they survive being eaten? Survival of the fittest!
I came to find several 3-4 month old african cichlid babies in my 500 gal when i cleaned it this weekend that are now already bigger than a neon tetra, I had no cluw they were there and they have been surviving off of no feeding whatsoever, which leads me to believe theyve been eating flake/pellet scraps that have sank to the bottom so I would say if you want to make sure food gets down there then flakes would be ok as it apparently was for my cichlid babies :p

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